Das Rudel versammelte sich fleissig am Freitag im Hallenstadion und Kontra K spielte mit viel Energie, Fangesängen, Hände und Liebe, die unter die Haut geht.
Am Freitagmorgen habe ich den Post gesehen: Heute Loyal Ink Shop im Hallenstadion. Kontra K’s Tattoostudio, das normalerweise in Berlin zu Hause ist. Für mich war klar, das ist eine einmalige Gelegenheit im Hallenstadion von Loyal Ink tätowiert zu werden. Also ging ich um kurz nach 16.00 Uhr zum Venue und liess mich von den super talentierten Künstlern – während Kontra K soundcheckte – tätowieren 🙂
Um 20 Uhr gings dann wieder zurück ins Hallenstadion, um Anna Grey – den Support – anzuhören. Sie hat eine super schöne Stimme und ist ebenfalls ein Swiftie! Die Vorfreude auf nachher wurde immer grösser…
Der Startschuss
Endlich war es 21.00 Uhr und das Intro startete. Das Cover von “die Hoffnung klaut mir niemand” war gross auf einen Vorhang projiziert und Kontra K’s Lava-Augen flossen langsam Richtung Boden. Und Bäm – Vorhang runter, alles voller Rauch und dann stand er da. Von Sekunde 1 spürte man Kontra K’s Energie und er hatte die Halle im Griff. Natürlich durfte ein kleines Warm-up nicht fehlen – Alle Hände hoch, kreisen und dann bouncen!
Von langsamen Songs “Die letzte Träne” bis härtere Songs “Warnung” war in den ersten Minuten schon alles dabei. Im August am Zurich Openair habe ich Kontra K kennen und lieben gelernt. Was für ein Live-Monster! Mit “Puste Sie Weg” fand er den Weg in mein Herz… und jetzt liebe ich alles Songs. Auf “Puste Sie Weg” folgte “Blei”. Einfach ein perfekter Übergang!
Anna Grey kam natürlich für “Narben” zurück auf die Bühne. Was für ein emotionaler Song. Auf “Ein Schritt” habe ich mich mega gefreut. Ich hatte ein Bild in meinem Kopf wie der Song live sein sollte und Kontra K hat es einfach total erfüllt. Viel Feuer, viel Pyro und perfekt zum Text passend. Ein Highlight auf das “Gib mir keinen Grund” folgte.
B-Stage – Kontra K sieht alle!
Für “Nur für dich”, “Die Sonne”, “Follow” und “Ich Seh Dich” ging Kontra K auf die B-Stage.. wie er dahin kam, fanden wir leider nicht raus 😀 Plötzlich sass er da auf dem Klavier. Am Schluss schwebte er auf einer weiteren Bühne oberhalb der B-Stage. Die Lasershow dazu war einfach mega! Passend zum Song sagte Kontra K:
Ich sehe Euch!
Das Publikum war immer wieder hell beleuchtet und man hatte wirklich das Gefühl, dass er bis in die letzte Reihen die Leute sehen konnte. Auf jeden Fall waren alle mit dabei und die Hänge gingen in Höhe. Mein absoluter Lieblingsteil der Show kam jetzt:
“Like Woo” ist seit dem Release mein Wecker und meine morgendliche Motivation. Es endlich live zu hören, war einfach nur meeega! Natürlich musste “Kampfgeist V” folgen mit einem lauten “Ahhhuuuu” wurde der Song eingeleitet. Diese beiden Songs sind einfach nur Motivation pur. Kennt ihr die Gummibärenbande? Das Intro zu “Adrenalin” darf natürlich nicht fehlen “So mal ich mir die Welt, Wie-sie-wie sie mir gefällt”.
How time flies….
Dann habe ich auf die Uhr geschaut und ich konnte es nicht glauben. Es war schon 1h 20min vorbei und das Konzert näherte sich dem Ende zu. Wir waren nicht bereit und dann wie wenn Kontra K mich gehört hätte, hat er dasselbe gesagt und könnt ihr noch? Natürlich, können wir noch! “Der Letzte Tag” muss natürlich am Ende des Sets kommen, denn passender könnte der Text nicht sein.
Das Publikum liess Kontra K und seine Crew nicht gehen. Mit lauten Zugabe-Rufen kam er wieder auf die Bühne. Sein erster grosser Hit “Erfolg ist kein Glück” – ein Crowd-Favourite! – durfte natürlich nicht fehlen. Als letztes Highlight einer zweistündigen energiegeladenen Show mit Herz stimmte er “Wölfe” an. Das Lied, das mich nun in die Ewigkeit begleitet <3 Danke Kontra K für ein Mega-Konzert, das bereits jetzt zu meinen diesjährigen Highlights gehört.
Schaut euch die unglaublich tollen Bilder von Loads of Music an! Klickt hier.
Drake Milligan brought some old school Country Music to Switzerland. Not only did we enjoy his set but I think him and his band did too. A small town boy turned into an Elvis-like musician who made it to Zurich – what a Story to tell!
Drake and his band of 5 took the stage and you could feel they came to play! Right away Drake wrapped his female fans around his little finger with his sexy winks and the intense eye contact. But no, Drake is not just good looks and charming – he is an incredibly talented musician.
From Country to Bluegrass – Drake Milligan can do it all. “Tipping Point” and “Over drinking, under thinking” were got us dancing and singing. Not just the ladies in the crowd loved him. I saw many men bopping their heads and clapping. Speaking of heads… it wouldn’t be a country gig without some cowboy hats! As you probably know I loove cowboy boots and have been wearing them for years. So of course I wore my newest addition from Boot Barn in Vegas 😀
Want to read more about our country gig in Las Vegas? Check out Dustin Lynch.
After just a few songs I was sold. Drake Milligan is super funny and the band has great chemistry on stage. They know exactly what the other one does and can react accordingly. It was so much fun to see them play. A highlight for me was the song “Hating everything she tries on” because sometimes that’s just how we women feel and yes the bedroom looks exactly like he describes it:
Hatin’ everything she tries on
But I don’t know what for
Two dresses on the bed
Three more in the floor
She keeps saying, “I’m sorry it’s taking so long”
She don’t know I’m loving watching her
Hatin’ everything she tries on
Drake Milligan also paid tribute to Buck Owens – Bluegrass Legend with the song “Buck’Em”. And then suddenly he said someone yelled “Cowgirl for Christmas” and he probably wouldn’t be back before Christmas to sing this song… so he just played it! You know I cannot get enough of Christmas so that was right up my alley. The lights were green and red and we could sway to a lovely X-Mas song in March 😀
During “Goin’ Down Swingin” the band and Drake got closer together and did a little Grand Ol’ Opry style version of the song. You really have to appreciate the amazing band: Kelly, Adam, Clay, Ryan, Lucas you guys ROCK!
Drake Milligan
On we went with the set and with every song I enjoyed Drake and his band more. He also covered “Pretty Woman” which I enjoyed a lot. They didn’t stop for one minute – it was a funny energetic musically brilliant show and with loud claps and shouts of we want more and whistles they left the stage. The lights came on, the security started to move us away but the audience kept on clapping and shouting! I was so surprised that this audience could be so loud and persistent.
The crowd couldn’t get enough of Drake Milligan and apparently neither could he. The band came back and they played a special encore of covers including a little “Twist and Shout”. He then said he’ll be taking pictures with everyone after the show and what felt like 30 seconds later he was standing by the merch stand. What a wholesome night and I cannot wait for my next country gig with Darius Rucker in April!
Dustin Lynch in Las Vegas at the Superbowl weekend was just incredible. The country vibes in the US plus the party atmosphere made for an unforgetable great gig!
As a country fan it was a must see when we heard that Dustin Lynch performs in Vegas during our super bowl trip. And luckily we got there early and made barrier. The weather was great and the atmosphere was buzzin. People came to party – and that’s what we did!
Partying in Las Vegas, Baby!
Dustin opened the show with “Stars like Confetti” and everyone was already jumping and having a good time. Everyone could singalong and were dancing to some brilliant country music songs. For us Swissies it is so special to see/hear country music artists live and experience the party atmosphere that comes with it.
Of course Dustin Lynch played all his hits. During “Tequila on a boat” he took shots with the audience and in the background we saw a hilarious clip – yes it involved some nudity too 😀 But who can blame them if they were in their “Party Mode”.
Party Mode
I was so looking forward to my two favourite songs “I’d be jealous too” and “Small town boy”. Especially the latter because I knew after Vegas we were heading to small towns in Utah and would be experiecing the real America. But what we didn’t know was that my Highlight came during “Thinking ‘Bout You”.
Dustin Lynch had a bath in the audience and I knew this was my moment. I had prepared some friendship bracelets for Vegas in general – Marry me Sweetheart – as you do in Vegas right?! So I thought why not give him one of these! He was singing to people just in front of me and I waved the bracelet in front of him. He saw it and knew exactly what to do. I smoothly put the bracelet around his arm and EVERYONE around us was loving it! Taylor Swift had the best idea with these friendship bracelet thing! It’s such an easy way to connect and everyone enjoys it.
However, Dustin had to get back up on stage and broke my friendship bracelet before he could even read it. He said: “Make me another one!” So Dustin Lynch I heard ya! You better come to Zurich to pick your new and stronger friendship bracelet up 🙂
Amy MacDonald stopped in the Hall on her last night of her shortest tour ever – and we were grateful that she did. She brought her hits from 2007 and introduced us to new songs of her album The Human Demands.
Thanks to Gadget I got to see Amy MacDonald for the first time in concert. Yes, I know it’s clearly unbelievable how I haven’t seen her before. Especially because I loved her first songs and she always seems like a really funny and nice person. Her beautiful Scottish accents only adds to her charming personality. I’ve been saying this on my instagram and I am saying it again I could listen to her talking for hours! 🙂
Just before 9 o’clock Amy MacDonald took the stage with “We could be so much more” at the Hall (formally known as Samsung Hall). The seated audience stood up and it was a great atmosphere from the start. It still feels very special to be back at gigs – like normal – like before. And we Swiss are always special – we listen. It was so quiet when Amy MacDonald talked to the point where she was not sure if we understood her or not. But loads laughed so she knew we understood her lovely accent.
“The Hudson” was on just before her first big hit ” Mr. Rock N Roll”. What a song! I takes me back to my teens haha. Everyone stood up and sang and rocked along. “Dream On” literally made wander off and think about nice memories. “Automatic” and the title track from the new album “The Human Demands” were next. Poor her she mentioned that no-one was interested in the new album but I guess it was 2020 and the last two years have been just a blur for everyone.
Another of her hit songs was next “Don’t tell me that it’s over”. Amy MacDonald is such a talented singer but also an amazing guitarist. I enjoyed watching her do her thing and in-between she cracked jokes and understood how to entertain us. “Bridges”, “Slow it down” and “4th of July” was the next trio. I particularly enjoyed the latter. I don’t think I’ve heard the song before but I instantly was singing along which to me is always the best sign of a good song.
“Feed my fire” reminded me of Vance Joy’s cover of “Im on Fire” during his support on the Beautiful Trauma Tour. So very good memories were coming up again. Amy MacDonald then said that this was her shortest tour ever with only 4 concerts in total and this was her last night. So we can all be very grateful to her that she made it to Switzerland. Putting a tour together is a lot of work and to play it only 4 times is just a bit sad really but in all fairness I think we was happy to play and we were thankful to hear live music again!
“Run”, “Poison Prince” and “Statues” were next. Just before she left for the Encore Amy MacDonald played her biggest hit “This is the Life” and the Hall rocked! The song was over waaay to quickly! Such a tune! 🙂 The audience was super loud and we of course wanted her back on stage! “Never too late” brought out the lights on the phones of the audience. For the next song “Down by the water” it was time to put us to work. We were her choir with ” Down Down Down”. She closed her set with “Let’s start a band” and after 1 1/2 hours we left with a happy heart.
Amy MacDonald came to rock the Swiss audience in the Hall with her new songs and her classics! Gig 3 this year made me really happy and hopeful that we can enjoy many more gigs like that.
It’s October 2020 and I was planning to beat my number of concerts from last year. I thought I would finally see Onerepublic again. I figured I’d see one or two (or maybe more – you never know :D) The Script shows. Maybe go to a few festivals and then follow Saint City Orchestra (the band im promoting) around for their tour in late autumn.
Oh how it all changed…
On February 27th I visited my (and their) last big concert at Hallenstadion. Deichkind – a german band who I’ve been following on and off since my childhood but never seen live. I am honestly soooo glad I went to that last gig. The big C word was already in everyone’s mind but no restrictions yet. However, I already noticed people coming in late. But let me tell you it was a party – a proper party! The day after the government announced decisions that would change our life.
I immediately got texts saying „OMG what are you doing now? Are you missing gigs?“.
To be honest with you I enjoyed the time out without any concerts. I finally got to relax. As restrictions eased I finally got to spend after work drinks at the lake. I was able to be spontaneous and just say „Hey let’s have dinner tonight“ whereas before I was fully booked for the whole week.
In September Saint City Orchestra was able to play a live show in a venue called Presswerk. It was so special. Hearing the audience sing-a-long to the songs gave me goosebumps. You could tell that the crowd missed live shows since they wouldn’t stop singing and asked for more than one encore.
Of course it was totally different to February 27th: Masks and space between groups of people. But do you know what? EVERYONE had a good time!
I think thanks to this concert break I will enjoy the coming concerts so much more and appreciate the ones I saw. I will forever cherish the last summer travelling through Germany for Pink’s Beautiful Trauma Tour or our crazy moments heading to London for two days to see The Script in the Royal Albert Hall. Especially these memories are why live concerts are just so incredible and why I can’t stop going to gigs.
These last few months have been incredibly difficult for everyone in the live entertainment business. No, I’m not talking about the big name artists. I am talking about venues, organisers, road crews, smaller musicians etc. They’ve all lost their livelihood from one day to the next and let me tell you the struggle is still very real now. Crowdfundings and a gig here and there won’t keep the majority afloat.
So while I understand the importance of restrictions I fail to understand why a whole industry is left in the dark what the future might bring. I already see little venues closing which would normally support local live music and bring joy and art to the people. It is scary.
It’s been 6 months and I hope that we get to enjoy gigs again soon. Not because I miss it (which is true of course) but because all these people need their jobs back.
So I am sure that we get to make new memories soon which might be a bit different from before but hey who cares?! J Live music is live music and I can see a person’s emotion even with a face mask on.
P.S: I actually can’t believe we actually got to see concerts this year. Someone posted a picture from the Lewis Capaldi gig and I couldn’t believe it was in 2020! Then I realise I’ve seen Brett Eldredge (LOOOVE), Silbermond, Lewis Capaldi (HAHA), Aloe Blacc (my boy), Slipknot (God, Corey Taylor is hot), Jonas Brothers (I’m too old for this!), Lennon Stella (Where are my Nashie’s at?!), Wrabel (Ahh the memories of last year are flooding back) and as I mentioned Deichkind. Wow…
I’d like to finish this with a song lyric by Maroon 5:
Here’s to the ones that we got Cheers to the wish you were here, but you’re not ‘Cause the drinks bring back all the memories Of everything we’ve been through Toast to the ones here today Toast to the ones that we lost on the way ‘Cause the drinks bring back all the memories And the memories bring back, memories bring back you
I’m a proud P!NK fan for 18 years and after her two shows at Waldbühne in Berlin I couldn’t wait for the Beautiful Trauma World Tour. So we decided to do a little German tour ourselves. First up Berlin Olympiastadion, then Waldstadion in Frankfurt, Olympiastadion in Munich twice and finally Zurich at Letzigrund stadion. So here’s my little recap of these awesome different five gigs.
The Support Acts
DJ Kid Cut Up
What an awesome DJ! I’ve seen many many bad ones but this one really knew what he was doing. Mixing so many hits together making us ready to party. He knew how to get the crowd going and was brilliant to have him in-between the two supporting bands. Plus I loved the last 15mins of his set when he literally prepared us for the show with vocal coaching by Freddie Mercury, Hands-up partying with 50 Cent. DJ Kid Cut Up was a lovely addition to the Beautiful Traum Tour and I’d love to see him again.
Bang Bang Romeo
I grew to love Bang Bang Romeo because they’re an incredible powerful band from Yorkshire, England. I love how confident Stars – the lead singer – is. No matter what size you are you should be proud of your body and she definitely oozed body confidence and I love her for that. Every time I couldn’t wait to see what she was wearing! Ross and Rich aren’t shy of colours and glitter either so the three are a match made in heaven. Now let’s talk music. The trio rocked their set. They’ve added two covers – “What’s Up?” by the 4 Non Blondes and “Seven Nation Army” by The White Stripes. So good!!! 🙂
With “Shame on you” and “Chemical” Bang Bang Romeo have two powerful rock songs which totally get stuck in your head! I’m actually hoping that they’re coming back soon for their own headline show! During their 30mins set I got to rock out and by the time we got to the 2nd gig in Munich I was able to singalong too 🙂 And coming to my last point and why I love Bang Bang Romeo even more they are actually answering you on Instagram – which is why I knew that they wouldn’t be performing in Zurich but would still travel along. Such a shame! But I am glad for my four times I did get to see them 🙂
Vance Joy
I was super excited to finally see Vance Joy live and we did get to listen to him for 45mins. He started out with “Mess is Mine” and “Georgia” – a beautiful ballade which I grew to love very much. “Fire and the Flood” got me dancing every time and singing veery highly and loudly haha But what I love about the song are the trumpets and the awesome rhythm! He then asked us if there are some Bruce Springsteen fans? And let me tell you Zurich has the most which made Vance Joy very happy 😀 “Dancing in the Dark” is also a lovely cover.
The summer vibes were big in the 2nd part of the set – and obviously the Aussie knows how to do that. “We’re going home” started it off and when Vance Joy brought out the little Ukulele for “Saturday Sun” I definitely couldn’t stop dancing! 🙂 “Lay it on me” came before the party really started with a Lionel Richie cover “All Night Long” mixed in with Justin Bieber’s “Sorry. Love love loved it !! And then he finally sang his mega hit “Riptide” and now everyone knew who they were actually seeing haha I can honestly say I am looking forward to seeing him in a small show here in Zurich. So please Vance Joy come back soon! 🙂
Here I Go Again
The awesome band which I will introduce you later started to walk on stage with a song by Whitesnake called “Here I Go Again” so we all knew it’s about to start! In typical P!NK fashion she flew in on a huge pink chandelier and very obviously started singing “Get the party started”. I loved the start of the show because it meant that we still had two hours of awesomeness to come! 😀 Now it was time to introduce us to the “Beautiful Trauma” tour and in Munich “Are you ready to sweat with us tonight?!” 😀
You guys know that I love confetti and fireworks but I absolutely lose it if an artist has a treadmill kinda thing on stage – and of course, P!NK had it! For “Just Like A Pill” which got all the old fans dancing she walked up and down the catwalk on the treadmill thing and started saying hello to the first rows. Another classic is “Who Knew” and I’m soo happy it made the setlist. In Munich on Night 1 it was soo hot that everyone couldn’t really think straight including P!NK 😀 She started with the 2nd verse and had to stop the song after the first few lines. It was so cute hahaha I don’t know what it was that day but there was a special atmosphere at the Olympiastadion.
Revenge Land
We were shown a short video which introduced us to Revenge Land. You can see the start of it in my Frankfurt highlights on Instagram. But basically, it said what you can do if your sweetie pees in the shower or farts in bed or pukes on you on a roller coaster. Yes, those are all examples from the video and I loved watching the reactions of the crowd since I knew what was coming 😀
The die-hard P!NK fans knew that “Funhouse” had to come on after this introduction but little did we know that she remixed it with No Doubt’s “Just a Girl”! What an awesome combination!! 😀 And yes, P!NK we looove Gwen Stefani haha At the end of this song P!NK introduced us to her awesome band and that’s exactly what I’m gonna do now too: Eva Gardner on Bass, Mark Schulman on drums, Stacy Campbell and Jenny singing backing vocals, Justin Derrico aka Spanky on the guitar, Jason Chapman on keys, Jessy Greene on Violin and Cello and Adriana on keys and vocals and guitar. Y’all rock and make this show amazing! THANK YOU 🙂
It’s silly if I say this is highlight because actually the whole show is a highlight but let’s just say I was looking forward to this song a lot. “Hustle” from the new record was already one of my fav songs before the tour but now it deffo is. P!NK said that this song is for everyone who pissed you off. Plus she also taught us a new dance: The Jitterbug
An unbelievable moment we got to enjoy was when P!NK and Khasan did an incredible acrobatic thing during her song “Secrets”. It’s just WOW what these two are doing. I won’t describe it because there are no words. Just have a look in my highlights… Try Zurich 🙂
All the dancers and P!NK created a beautiful mystical moment during “Try” and in Munich Night 1 the rain started and the thunderstorms in the back added to the magical atmosphere. I will never ever forget this beautiful moment. It kept drizzling throughout the night and the thunderstorms never came but made for a wonderful backdrop. When “Just Give me a Reason” started all the phone lights went up and I had goosebumps all over my body. In every city except Zurich the phone lights made this song very beautiful. Because Zurich started so early it wasn’t dark enough to get the people to take out their phones for this song but wait for it the Swissies are just special! 😀
Up next is a song by Bishop Briggs called “River”. P!NK covered the song two years ago at Waldbühne and I fell in love with the song. I am over the moon that she put it back on the setlist. No-one around normally knows this song but it is so powerful and one of my highlights in every city. My Mom filmed the song in Zurich because I could never ever sit still enough to do that. I enjoyed every second of the song and I will post it soon. Now the good news is that if you suffer from the after tour blues as well Bishop Briggs is coming to Europe! Are you joining me??
After water there is fire. “Just like Fire” warmed me up in Berlin and made it even hotter in Frankfurt. Every time I was looking forward where the fire would go off this time. It changed in every city and I loved this surprise moment.
Women are strong
In Berlin we had actual rockets pointing at the sky during “What About Us”. It was so beautiful and so special but unfortunately this only happened in Berlin. It was super emotional for me because only a few meters away P!NK performed the song for the first time two years ago. I felt the tears rising so I started filming and I could prevent me from crying. During the last gig in Zurich I didn’t want to hold back any emotions so I let it out. I was super sad that it was almost over but also super happy that I still got enjoy another hour of the show.
After this emotional song it’s hard to focus on the next song but I am sooo glad that the Swiss audience appreciated “For Now” with lots of phone lights. It was so special because in no other city the lights went up so even P!NK recognized this and said “Thank you, that was beautiful”. Now we got to listen to another song of the new album. “90 days” with Wrabel. A beautiful duet and a moment to be quiet – not everyone respected that….
Time for some alone time with Spanky 😀 P!NK and Justin sat down and lots of fans threw stuff at her. So many presents cheese, frogs, ducks…! But I want to mention how special this one present is – a mini chandelier with P!NK just like the one from the beginning. So impressive honestly! “Time After Time” a cover by Cindy Lauper brought out the lights in Frankfurt. The new song “Walk Me Home” we already got to hear in a new version and in Zurich people started clapping which never happened before! Such a great atmosphere! The Swissies are so different haha
The band joined the two at the end of the catwalk stage. We all had a big ol’ party with “I am Here”. What a song! You got the biiig anthem moment and also the party in the middle where the band and some people in the crowd danced. “F**kin’ perfect” finished the Women are strong part.
My Daughter is beautiful
During “Raise your Glass” P!NK introduced us to the amaaaazing dancers and here they are: Reina Hidalgo, Shannon Holtzapffel, Tracy Shibata, Jeremy Hudson, Anthony Westlake, Remi Bakkar, Khasan Brailsford, Loriel Hennington, Madelyne Spang, Justine Lutz I will also post a video soon with the whole introduction. They deserve all the applause in the world. Y’all are rockstars! And finally, Willow is coming on stage as well! Another little badass woman in the making! 🙂
The party is on with “Blow Me (one last kiss)” and 90’s remix of “Can We Pretend” which marks the last song of the normal set. Super colourful fireworks and confetti are all over the audience while P!NK slowly descends into the stage floor only to come back with a real bang! The moment everyone has been waiting for.
She’s singing “So What” and actually flies around the stadium! 😀 It is honestly incredible and I’ve been speaking to people all over and they couldn’t believe what they were seeing. I love the reactions and even if you show videos to people they go: “WOW! Incredible! Unbelievable!” 😀 If you don’t know what I’m talking about just watch the video on Instagram.
With one last song after the party P!NK comes back on stage to say a quiet Goodbye to us. “Glitter in the Air” is such a beautiful ballade and so fitting because she sings:
Have you ever wished for an endless night? Lassoed the moon and the stars and pulled that rope tight Have you ever held your breath and asked yourself Will it ever get better than tonight?
Glitter in the Air by P!NK
And let me tell you Munich Night 1 and Zurich were exactly one of those nights that you wished wouldn’t stop. I am so happy I got to spend 5 nights with these incredible artists giving their best for us. I will have these memories forever. Thank you!
P!NK proves that she’s currently the best live artist in the world. An energetic heartfelt performance that you will tell your grandchildren about. If you haven’t seen it you missed out and if you’re about to see it you are definitely in luck! 🙂
Asher Roth live is just like the Asher Roth I had imagined. I’m so happy that Just Because brought him to Mascotte last Friday. It was the perfect start to the weekend. To the peeps who weren’t there you deffo missed a party! 🙂
Let’s start the party
At 8.20 Asher Roth came on stage. He didn’t need a support act warming up the crowd because we were ready. But let me tell you I really didn’t expect this. As soon as the first beats came blasting out Asher said hello to us. Not just a wave, no. He came down to us and shook everyone’s hands or fist pumped us. I loved it. So cool. He started with his first mix tape and some people already knew the songs but most of us were still a bit shy.
When Metallica announced that they’d be playing in Zurich at Letzigrund I knew I had to try and see them. They are just Legends which you have to see at least once. Last night with their Worldwired tour they started the openair concert season with a bang. 45 000 people were coming to see their favourite band and almost all of them showed up in the right merch!
When the ticket prices were announced I knew I had to try to pull a Guns ‘N Roses again. Luckily a friend of mine from a fellow blog called Bäckstage helped me out a lot and landed me a front of stage ticket! Which meant that I was super close to the stage and saw how Metallica interacted with their fans. Let me tell you I thought they were super cute. Not a word I thought I would use to describe Metallica haha But they really were. All of them were actually looking at us, talking and miming stuff. It was just really cool to see.
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Just after 8 Ennio Morricone’s “Ecstasy of Gold” started to ring around the Letzigrund and the huge screnes showed some scenes from the movie. The amosphere was already great with the 95% male voices singing to the score. The four guys – James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich, Kirk Hammett and Robert Trujillo – stepped on stage to perform the title track “Hardwired” of their newest record. I was fascinated. Kirk and Robert walked around the whole stage and said hello to the front rows. But what struck me the most is that you could actually feel the music in your stomache! It’s like loud fireworks 😀 Because it was so loud your whole body experienced the music in a different way. I loved it!
Kekoas Korner got to travel to Basel to see Mumford and Sons at St. Jakobshalle on Sunday. I’ve never been to the venue and I have never seen them live so I was pretty excited. I heard only great things about their live performances and I’ve seen them on TV a few times so I was expecting a lot. Surprisingly the stage on the Delta Tour was set in the middle of venue which I already liked. So here’s a little more how the evening went:
Gang of Youths got the moves
The support act Gang of Youths is an Australian indie rock band from Sydney. Unfortunately I was quite distracted because I couldn’t find my phone and I thought I’d lost it. However, silly me, I put in my boots just minutes ago – which I always do when I have my boots on but I completely forgot. So the first 3 songs were kind of a blur. After huge waves of relief were flooding through me I could finally focus on Gang of Youths. Oh boy, David – the lead singer – can dance. Those moving hips were another distraction. He looked like the dancers on Let’s Dance Germany haha
A week ago I published the New Music post about Jack Savoretti where I told you guys that I’d be so excited to see him play and I was very curious. Well fast forward a week and here we are at Volkshaus in front row waiting to see if Jack Savoretti would fullfil my expectations. But I might have been even more excited to see his support act called Ward Thomas.
Ward Thomas – Voices from heaven
At 7.30 the two sisters Lizzie and Catherine took the stage accompanied by their two musicians. I saw the two girls at the C2C Songwriter Sessions in London and I fell in love with their voices. Unfortunately they only performed one song “Cartwheels” because they were actually just surprise guests winning the CMA Jeff Walker Global Artist Achievement Award! How cool is that?!