
Sunshine Blogger Award Challenge

In case you are wondering what the Sunshine Blogger Award is let me quickly explain the challenge. It’s a way of connecting with other bloggers and support their message in a positive and creative way.
So these are the rules:

  • Thank the person who nominated you for the Sunshine Award and link back to their blog
  • Answer the questions set by the person who nominated you
  • Nominate other blogs and give them questions to answer
  • Notify your nominees through social media or commenting on their blog
  • List the “rules” and display a Sunshine Award logo in your post

So thank you Curious Pavel for nominating me and I accept the challenge! Here we go:

Q1: Let’s start with a short introduction- what are the 2 sentences that describe you the best?
I love music – yes, that’s why I started my music blog – and football (LFC). Friends would say I am honest and quite funny.
Q2: I am curious (!)… do you believe in New Year Resolutions?
Not really. I think you should set goals during the year and not particularly at New Year’s Eve. But obviously I do have them – everyone does. Mine is always clean the appartment more!
Q3: What is the One Thing people who read this need to realize ASAP?
Jeez that’s a difficult question. Well you my dear reader are on the perfect page for any kinds of information about music and believe me it won’t be boring like so many newspaper articles. I will tell you my opinion but I will be respectful to the artists and I want to know your opinion too.
Q4: Do you have playlist you like to listen when travelling? If so- share the love:)
It depends where I am travelling to! I like to adapt my playlist to the respective country. For example when I fly to London I always listen to Ella Eyre. If I have to drive a long time and I’m starting to get bored I always turn to Onerepublic or The Script. Luckily they both have loads of songs I can sing to and surprisingly the time flies by.
Q5: Favourite cuisine and why it should be our favourite too?
Greek cuisine! Deffo! Okay, maybe Italian too. But Greek cuisine is awesome. It’s not all Gyros and Souvlaki. They have loads of yummy veggie dishes and the deserts are unbelievably good. My favourite greek dish: Briam with Sousoukakia and for breakfast Katimeria!
Q6: Whats the thing that lifts you up when you are feeling down?
My family and my close friends! But oviously also music! Music can lift you up or get you down. There is music for every mood!! Adele makes you sad, P!nk sets your inner rockstar free, Vengaboys make you happy…
Q7: I am sure you are full with stories but what’s the one story you will tell your grandchildren the most?
Puh! Good question! Probably about my amazing time with The Script in Bern. I was chosen to be one of the flag pole bearers at the beginning of the show. So I literally was part of the gig! It was an amazing feeling and so exhilirating. I totally understand why artists love it! As a huge plus I got to meet lovely friends and that’s why we are a Script Family 🙂
Q8: What about someone else’s story? Who fascinated you the most?
I recently watched a Netflix series called Girlboss and it’s about Sophia Amorusos who established a huge fashion company called Nasty Gal from just an ebay and a myspace account! She is fierce and I would like to be more like her sometimes!
Q9: What is the one thing you cannot get right no matter how many times you try?
Math! J I am not good with numbers at all. I studied communications for a reason 😉
Q10: Do you think you can influence others and make a positive change?
I hope so! 🙂 I would like to change loads of people’s habits and be more respectful to the artist and the fellow concert go-ers. But not only that I would love for everyone to be confident and happy with themselves. Just be yourself and that’s F***** Perfect like P!nk sings!
Q11: For “la grand finale”, share one of your recent selfies (no filters please ) 
It’s from my latest blog post: Is it okay to shhh people at a concert?

So my 11 Questions are: 

  1. I just started my blog and now I’m wondering why you started blogging?
  2. What’s the most special concert you’ve been to?
  3. What would be the connection between your blog theme and music?
  4. I do a lot of crazy things for concerts so what’s been the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
  5. Back to reality. In 5 years where do you want to be with your blog?
  6. I have difficulty to answer this question myself but let’s see if you can. What is your favourite song and why?
  7. Let’s be positive now and lift each other up. Which features do you like most in yourself?
  8. Now that we love ourselves we can be creative. How about short poignant sentence that describes your blog – kind of like slogan.
  9. If you could live through a perfect day how would that day look like?
  10. I love food. So what’s your favourite dish and why?
  11. Lastly if you could meet anyone famous for dinner who would it be and why and where?

I nominate:

  1. Snappylook
  2. Noxmaxima
  3. Geek of All
  4. Beauty that walks
  5. Planet Sarah
  6. Paul McGinley Mental Health
  7. Less Stuff
  8. The Giraffes Life Blog and her YouTube Channel
  9. Roaming Parkers
  10. The Fashion Faux pas of Gabrielle
  11. Mary’s Life

0 thoughts on “Sunshine Blogger Award Challenge”

  1. Great interview!
    What a lovely concept and so much fun. 😉
    I love the idea of supporting and connecting with other like minded bloggers.
    Hope I can participate and complete the challenge once I’ve had surgery for a torn ligament in my right shoulder. Typing is a challenge right now.
    Best regards and wishes to all ethical bloggers and social entrepreneurs

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