Pretty much exactly two years ago Bryan Adams made a halt with his “Get Up!” tour at Hallenstadion Zürich. Back then I was still in Uni and unfortunately I had to go to a mandatory week away somewhere in the middle of nowhere in Switzerland. Having already bought tickets I had to make peace with it that I couldn’t go. I was devastated. So when Bryan Adams announced his “Ultimate Love” tour I was super happy! I couldn’t wait to see this maestro live.
With no support Bryan Adams and his amazing band of 4 took the stage at 8.20. There was a huge LED screen on which amazing images and stories supported the songs. The stage itself was very simple and small. The music and the images are supposed to be the highlights of this evening and with a repertoire this big I think it’s fairly save to say that it was.
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Tag: Bryan Adams
Artist2Watch: Cary Balsano
Cary Balsano brings the Italian summer to Merseyside. He’s been busking the streets of Liverpool for a while and released videos on YouTube. So you maybe already listened to him but you didn’t even realize it. So let me bring him to your attention. He’s originally from Biella, Italy but now lives in the beautiful city of Liverpool. We all know that Liverpool is a music city with very famous musicians coming out of it.
He names Ed Sheeran, Bryan Adams and Coldplay as his musical influences. Very fine artists and absolutely brilliant live. Like Ed Sheeran busking helped growing his following over the years. I was contacted on Twitter and sent the link to a new song called “Horizon”.
I always love to listen to links that new artists are sending me and this one did not disappoint. Listen to it! You won’t regret it. It has a summery positive feeling to it. I instantly loved it and check out Cary’s voice! It carries out the singer songwriter feel and I cannot wait to hear more music. I am able to announce that Cary Balsano’s debut album comes out on 18th October. If the album is anything like his first single “Horizon” then we are in for a treat. So mark your calendars and check him out. His 2nd single will be out on 15th November.
Support this wonderful emerging artists on his social media accounts:
Let me know what you think of his fist single “Horizon” in the comment section below.