Allgemein, New Music

New Music: Roswell by Marteria

Marteria is a German rap artist I have been following since his biggest success “Lila Wolken” in 2012. I’ve attached the youtube video below. At first you think what a funny title “purple clouds” sounds like unicorns and storybrooke world but it’s a feel good song about partying with friends. And then this baritone voice comes on and you think holy smokes who is this?! Does he look like he sounds? To all my female readers: Yes, he does!
But he is not only easy on the eye, he is an incredible songwriter and live artist! If you speak German and closely listen to his lyrics you will find that they are very sophisticated sometimes even philosophical!
His newest LP “Roswell” was released on 26th March 2017 and holds 12 unique songs. He named the album after an UFO incident in a town called Roswell in New Mexico. In 1947 it was reported that unknown object fell out of the sky. This title suits Marteria since his Alter Ego is an alien called Marsimoto.
His current single of the album is called “Das Geld muss weg”, the money has to go. It critizes our society and how we handle money in an ironic way. His rhymes are incredible and very well thought-out. If you want to have a listen, watch the youtube video below.
“Cadillac”, “Aliens”, “Scotty beam mich hoch”, “El Presidente” will be incredible to see live. They’ve got catchy tunes and are great for a singalong. “Elfenbein” with Yasha and Ms. Platinum is a powerful song about our world that we have to live in. I recommend to anyone to have a close listen what this artist has to say.
Finally, I personally cannot wait to see him live. He will be performing at festivals this summer and will start his head-lining tour in December 2017. He is amazing live and puts on a show like you’ve never seen before. At my first gig I was in for quite a few surprises which I won’t tell you now because I don’t want to ruin the surprise for all the first time listeners.
Marteria Live:
09.12.17 Samsung Hall
02. – 05.06.17 Rock in Vienna
24. – 25.06.17 Wireless Festival Germany
06.07.17 Openair Frauenfeld
15.07.17 Gurtenfestival Bern
09. – 16.08.17 Sziget Festival Budapest
09. – 10.09.17 Lollapalooza Berlin