Allgemein, Concerts

Justin Timberlake's Party in the Woods

I’ve been looking forward to see Justin Timberlake again for months. I knew that the show would be one of the concert highlights this year. I didn’t want to see, read or hear anything about it and I was right to do it. The show blew me away!

Justin Timberlake performed at the Super Bowl Half time show this year so I knew a tour was soon to be announced. Little did I know that it would already be in August this year that I get to see him again. Unfortunately due to the high ticket prices the show wasn’t sold out unlike in any other country so he only performed once in Zurich and enjoyed his free time golfing πŸ™‚

But first things first. Justin Timberlake is smart. He wants the people to have a great time at his gig and he wants them to be in a party mood before he even comes on. So he’s got a DJ with him who’s warming up the crowd! I loved the song choices especially when Ed Sheeran‘s “Shape of you” came on. Soooo many memories haha The party cooled down a little while his support Bazzi took the stage – a Justin-wannabe in the making… But hey, you kinda need a break before the big party starts right?! Because you don’t want to be pulling a hamstring while you go low low low low πŸ˜€

Let’s get this party started

I had this vision of Justin Timberlake’s show and I was sooo excited to see if I was right or not. To me “Filthy” was the best way to start the Man of the Woods tour and luckily Justin agreed πŸ˜€ The lights were out and the stage including some trees which was sneaking its way all across the Hallenstadion was dimly lit. It felt like you were in the woods. Then there was this white light and one by one the Tennessee Kids emerged until Justin Timberlake himself started with a bang which happened to be exactly how I imagined it! The dancing was on point and he and his dancers were making their way towards the back of the Hallenstadion on this awesome stage!

“Midnight Summer Jam” was next and I was hoping he would mix it up with “Let the groove get in” but he didn’t. But hey you can’t have everything πŸ˜€ Slowly people started to get antsy on their seats… It really was time to dance but I knew I had a mission so I waited. One of my usual concert buddies – a huge JT fan – couldn’t be there so she told me to record song No. 3. Notice how she didn’t tell me what song it was? She really knows me too well πŸ˜€ I was ready and so I happened to catch Justin’s cute tribute to Aretha Franklin who unfortunately died on that day. He started “LoveStoned” with a little “Respect” πŸ™‚ I was super happy because it is also one of my fav songs. At the end he did this cool thing were his face is all blurry on the big curtain screens just like in the video!

Time to dance!

Mission accomplished. Time to dance! 1 beat was enough and I was up on my feet. Justin Timberlake brought “Sexy back” and a lot of people were dancing with me. I was so glad because honestly how can you stay seated?? It was already such a great atmosphere you don’t usually get until way at the end. What I loved about this show and Justin Timberlake he was literally everywhere and he was involving every person in the building. Up on the sides, down at the back (or was is the front? :D) and of course the standing area – everyone felt included. Then one of my fav tracks on the new record “Man of the Woods” came on and I was soaking it all in so I would remember when I would listen it in my car. That Justin really IS a southern man we got to experience a little bit later in the show.
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It was super hot and I already felt really warm so it was nice to quickly chill for “Higher Higher” until the keyboard popped up and Justin addressed us.

Are you ready to dance? So I need everybody to stand up!

And the WHOLE Hallenstadion stood up from song 7 until the end! Tell me when was the last time that happened? We were dancing to “SeΓ±orita” until Justin Timberlake said:

So I want to try this with you. The guys sing with me:
“It feels like something’s heating up, can I leave with you?”
and the ladies sing:
“I don’t know what I’m thinking bout, really leaving with you”

And yes, there were some guys who actually helped him sing the guys’ part πŸ˜€ You just have to love concerts where you know every song and can sing a long to. Within two weeks I got to enjoy Ed Sheeran and Justin Timberlake and both shows were completely different both were so amazing at the same time. I can’t tell you how lucky I am that I got to make this incredible memories.
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From “SeΓ±orita” to “Suit & Tie” Justin quickly changed into a suit jacket where showed off his dancing skills during a little laser show. It was impressive!! The keyboard was replaced by that same buttons pad you see at the beginning of the “Say Something” video.  I was already excited to hear this awesome tune but Justin Timberlake wanted to play a little. So he put on some parts of his newest song “Soulmate” until he pressed some buttons which turned into “My Love” – my least favourite song haha

Let’s make it rain

The pad thingy stood on top of the main stage behind the musicians and from there the fog started to roll in. From the rows up top the stage looked like it was shooting lightnings down the front. This show looked different from every angle and you felt like you were part of it. Justin Timberlake started the first beats of “Cry me a River” and the curtain screens turned into falling rain. You didn’t know where to look! This didn’t change when Justin stood on the middle stage with the curtain screen above him showing his reflection about 20 times! And yes, obviously the song was called “Mirrors”. It hit me like a deja vu. This was the last song on the 20/20 experience!! Like in 2014 the whole Hallenstadion was on their feet singing and clapping to the song. It gave me goose-bumps!
I am sooo glad Justin Timberlake left “Drink You Away” in the set. It was one of my fav moments on the last tour and this time he made everyone lift a glass for the incredible soul diva that Aretha Franklin was – because that’s what you do in the South. Again a nice little tribute to her. Unfortunately not a lot of people know “Drink you Away” but it didn’t keep me from fully enjoying it! After this song it went dark and it looked like a little break because they had to fire up the bonfire! πŸ˜€

Campfire atmosphere with 13k people

Justin Timberlake took his guitar and his musician friends from the Tennessee Kids band and sat around a little fire on the 3rd stage surrounded by trees and grass. The curtain screens showed a moon and we were literally transferred into the woods even more. He asked us to put our phone lights up for “Until the end of time” and this turned the Hallenstadion into a flood of lights. WOW – just beautiful. It was the let the Tennessee Kids including the backing singers Zenya, Nicole and Cowboy Jack with covers from amazing musicians. First up was Fleetwood Mac’s “Dreams” and a beautiful rendition of Lauryn Hill’s “Ex-Factor” and my favourite cover by John Denver “Thank God I am a country boy”. Cowboy Jack has an amazing voice and it is crazy to think he’s only singing in the back ground!
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The very cool campfire section ended with “Morning Light”. Justin Timberlake surprised me by singing the very old “What Goes Around… Comes Around”. It’s been one of my motto’s before he sang that song and it got even a bigger meaning when he sang it. I was sooo happy! He performed it on the middle stage right where my friends from Loads of Music stood. I was screaming for them when he got close to them and even wished one of their friends Happy Birthday! How cool is that?! His show might be super planned down to the minute but Justin Timberlake’s still got time for a little spontaneous gesture πŸ˜‰

The end came closer with every song

FINALLY the first chords of “Say Something” resonated through the Hallenstadion and I couldn’t contain myself anymore. I was overjoyed! Thanks to the song being in the radios a lot the audience also knew the song. However this was the first time I got really disappointed. My vision of the show was that Chris Stapleton would show up on the curtain screens and sing his part. He didn’t in fact the 2nd verse was completely left out. I was so sad for a 2nd and really mad haha I couldn’t believe he just cut out Chris Stapleton. How dare he? πŸ˜€ And since I’m already complaining I might add that the sound was really bad at some points. The sound check should have been done a bit better. But hey let’s focus on the good things again πŸ˜€
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Another song “Montana” to sway from side to side and catch your breath while I was back dancing for “Summer Love”. Those old songs just bring back so many memories. I love gigs where you know every song and connect them with special memories. For “Rock Your Body” the Hallenstadion was turned into a dance floor. The screen curtains were turned into the same colours as in the video clip. And suddenly a proper dance floor with square lights showed up in front of the middle stage down in the party pit! How cool?! Justin Timberlake was actually dancing in the middle of his fans πŸ™‚
I told Shirley of Loads of Music before that I will be thinking of her when Justin Timberlake’s gonna before “Supplies” because she totally “ruined” the song for me. All I hear now is EI EI EI which in German means Egg… I cannot stop laughing during the song. It will hold a special place in my heart πŸ˜€ From super new to super old. JT’s first solo single “Like I love you” was performed on the 3rd stage with the exact same moves he did in the clip. Me in the little space I got remembered almost every move and tried to dance like JT πŸ˜€ Oh well, I tried πŸ˜€
After two hours I knew the end was near and with Dance Dance Dance aka “Can’t stop the Feeling!” the show ended but not before you saw the whole venue dance and sing and clap. It was an incredible feeling seeing everyone having a great time enjoying themselves. I can only imagine how this must feel for the artist. I loved the end of the show! I couldn’t have wished for a better one. First the Tennessee Kids left the stage and only Justin Timberlake was left to sing the last chorus with us. We were sent into the night with:

Thank you! Ich liebe euch! Good Night!

Even a few days after gig everything is still vivid and I wished I could have seen it another time to find out other things about this incredible show.
So it’s your turn! What did you find out? What made the show so special for you?? πŸ™‚

Check out my latest gigs: Saint City Orchestra, Kate Voegele and Tyler Hilton, Ed Sheeran
Allgemein, Concerts

Bryan Adams: A whirlwind of emotions and images

Pretty much exactly two years ago Bryan Adams made a halt with his “Get Up!” tour at Hallenstadion ZΓΌrich. Back then I was still in Uni and unfortunately I had to go to a mandatory week away somewhere in the middle of nowhere in Switzerland. Having already bought tickets I had to make peace with it that I couldn’t go. I was devastated. So when Bryan Adams announced his “Ultimate Love” tour I was super happy! I couldn’t wait to see this maestro live.
With no support Bryan Adams and his amazing band of 4 took the stage at 8.20. There was a huge LED screen on which amazing images and stories supported the songs. The stage itself was very simple and small. The music and the images are supposed to be the highlights of this evening and with a repertoire this big I think it’s fairly save to say that it was.
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Continue reading “Bryan Adams: A whirlwind of emotions and images”

Allgemein, Concerts

Zurich roooaaared with Katy Perry

I was super excited to see Katy Perry for the fourth time at Hallenstadion! I remember her doing a great show at Volkshaus and then half of the Hallenstadion and now for the second time a sold out show. I am incredibly happy to have seen her grow so big πŸ™‚ What I love about her audience is that it is super divers. From little kids to teenagers to families to very specially dressed people (I guess me kinda included haha)
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I guess the mini-club at the concert was why Tove Styrke started at 7.30 already. I really really loved her sound and she seemed incredibly humbled but very talented. I’d love to see her at a small venue to get a good look at her. Partying with Tove Styrke is great πŸ™‚
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The Witness Tour gig is divided into 5 parts. Katy Perry in a golden suit took the stage at 8.45 with “Witness” in a crystal like floaty thingy which opened the first part “In the space”. It continued with another song “Roulette” of her newest album. For that song she brought huge cubes on stage on which she was climbing around. During “Dark Horse” – such a tune! – she was supported by 8 dancers who are extremely talented and always dressed in awesome costumes. Huge computer giants took the stage for “Chained to the rhythm”. I was already up and dancing – how can you stay still? But lots of people were there to watch the show.
Continue reading “Zurich roooaaared with Katy Perry”

Allgemein, New Music

Arcade Fire's Everything Now !

Arcade Fire are coming back to Switzerland. This fact might come as a surprise to us. For years they’ve been avoiding our country because we have the worst fans at gigs. And you know I must admit that the Swiss audience is very hard to crack. However if you work hard and show your appreciation and you if you are really that talented you will find that the Swiss audience can be one of the most loyal audience – Just ask Naturally 7 or Anastacia!
Continue reading “Arcade Fire's Everything Now !”

Allgemein, Concerts

Sam Smith put Zurich under his spell / Sam Smith verzauberte ZΓΌrich

Today we got to enjoy almost two hours of Sam Smith’s immaculate voice in a sold out Hallenstadion. We is a super divers audience from the small kids to teenagers to gays to older people. Sam Smith’s crowd represents everything he stands for:

Be yourself and love who you want to love

But before Sam Smith took the stage Lewis Capaldi warmed up the crowd. I was sooo excited to finally see him live since I’ve heard so many good things about him.. and I wasn’t disappointed. He hobbled on stage and started with “Don’t get me wrong” and I was blown away by his voice and I wasn’t the only one. Everyone clapped and wooped and wanted to hear more. Lewis was supported by two very talented musicians for “Fade” and “Lost on you”. After each song Lewis Capaldi said a few words and they were absolutely hilarious. I love the fact that he knows that he’s singing sad songs so he has two lighten the mood with some jokes. Dermot Kennedy could learn from this guy!
As an exception Lewis Capaldi covered “Issues” by Julia Michaels and he did an amazing job! Everyone could sing along and it made for a great atmosphere. He then explained that he twisted his ankle during some football this afternoon and advised us to stay inside and eat pizza – it’s much safe. Let me tell you he’s my kinda guy πŸ˜€ The sad songs continued but it gave us a chance to listen to his deep raspy voice. This guy will go all the way! “Rush” and “Bruises” completed his set not before the whole Hallenstadion was lit up with cell phone lights. Just gorgeous or like he would say: COOL!
On time at 9.45 the lights went off and Sam Smith was lifted up on his chair onto the stage which was formed as a triangle. After the first few chords of “Burning” Sam Smith had the people under his spell. The all seated Hallenstadion stood up and hung onto every words he sang and said. Sam Smith waved hello to every part of the audience and he was met with waves and screams back which brought the cutest smile onto his face. Yes, I was that close that I could even see his dimples. He went on to say that he realised that he’s got very sad songs in his repertoire but tonight Sam Smith wants us to have a good time and dance!

And you bet we did! Who would have thought that Sam Smith is doing music to dance to but with “One Last Song” he proved us wrong for the first time. My favourite song “I’m Not the Only One” was already the third song and the Hallenstadion had a huge singalong to it. Have a look into my Instagram stories! Taking us back to the start Sam Smith sang the wonderful ballade “Lay me down”. His voice is just to die for! If you like the way it sounds on the radio or on record you will love it live. The next one is a slow one and a Lauren Hill cover “His Eye is on the Sparrow”. A quick breather before we got up to our feet again to dance to “Omen” featuring Disclosure and sing “Oh Oh Oh”.

Time to hug your concert buddy and enjoy the next two “Nirvana” and “I’ve told you now”. The incredibly talented piano player started and I knew immediately which song this is going to be but hey everyone deserves his solo. After a few mins Sam Smith rose above to sing the 007 James Bond song “Writing’s on the Wall”. Very dramatic! I loved it πŸ˜€ Time to dance again! Another Disclosure feature “Latch” got us up again. After that Sam Smith and Brandon – his bass/guitar musician aka his best friend since 4 years ago – sat down together to sing with us “Money on my Mind”
Writing's on the wall
Sam Smith introduced his 8 musicians one by one which I really loved. They are amazing and they are doing a brilliant job so it’s only right that they get to have their time in the lime light too. Sam and the four singers stood in one row and dance synchronically to “Like I Can”/”Best things in life are free”. It looked great and of course everyone sang along. My concert buddy and I and the whole band were two stepping to “Restart”. Such a fun song! After the two stepping it was time to wave to “Baby, You Make Me Crazy”. Being so close to the stage means that you kind of get to see it from the artists view and I loved the fact that you saw each and everyone waving until the very top top row way under the roof.
“Say it first” was next but the most emotional moment came just now. Sam Smith explained that he wrote the next song when his parents got divorced so you could really feel the emotion in his voice while he sang “Scars”. He even managed to make some people cry. “Midnight train” is another slow song where I just sat down and listened to this beautiful voice. My highlight of the evening was “HIM”. What a song! I had goosebumps because Sam Smith turned it into a Gospel like song and it felt very powerful. Like I mentioned he said that he wrote this song so that people can love who they want and after I carefully listened to the lyrics I have to say that I really really love this song. Such a powerful message wrapped up in an incredible arrangement.

It was time to say Goodbye and what better way to finish the regular set with “Too Good at Goodbye”. Again everyone was singing along and the smile on Sam Smith’s face was huge. After an hour and 15 mins Sam and his 8 musicians left the stage. He returned to it by climbing the stairs onto the top of the prism/triangle construction at the back of the stage. He sang “Palace” as a duet with one of his singers called Lucy. That woman can sing! Plus she transported the emotion so well. It was a wonderful moment. After they finished the song Sam Smith hurried down the stairs to sing “Stay With Me” and again the whole Hallenstadion knew the lyrics and sang along. Towards the end of the song red confetti rained down on us.
He then stood there and took it all in – the screams, the woops, the stomps, the claps. Of course he promised to come back and I really do hope that he does! I enjoyed this gig a lot and I’m pretty sure that I wasn’t the only one. The last song after almost two hours was “Pray”. With a “Have a safe journey home – I love you” Sam Smith said Goodbye and left behind an enchanted audience.
Have you seen Sam Smith live? Wanna share your experience with Kekoas Korner? Leave a reply below πŸ™‚

My latest gigs: Anastacia, Turin Brakes, Isaac Gracie
Allgemein, Concerts

Finland's finest Sunrise Avenue rocked Zurich

A sold out Hallenstadion. Not many artists manage this but the 5 lads from Finland did. I gotta say I’m very happy for them. Years back I got to see them in a much smaller venue and I still remember it today that it was an amazing gig and one that I fondly think of. So let’s see how last night’s gig went down.
Tim Kamrad
The support Tim Kamrad is a German singer songwriter. The songs are very mainstream and sound like I’ve heard them before. Ed Sheeran, Justin Bieber and Shawn Mendes will be happy to see that they inspired this young lad. I missed his personal signature but I am sure that it will work well on the radios. I do clapped a long and it made me want to dance.
Nearly at 9 on the dot the lights went off and an amazing stage with an incredible light show supported Sunrise Avenue. Normally I would go right into the review but this time I want to make something clear. Sunrise Avenue are a band. It’s not just Samu Haber. Yes, he is the lead singer and more famous then the others but I cannot stand it if radio hosts introduce the next song and say Hollywood Hills by Samu Haber. It is wrong that’s why I want to introduce to you the band members first Raul, Sami, Riku, Osmo and yes Samu too.


They started with “Prisoner in Paradise” and a wonderful ballade called “Beautiful”. The atmosphere was amazing right away. Even the people seating were clapping and having a good time! The title track of their 2013 album “Unholy Ground” was next. Samu said that the band always feels a lot of love from the Swiss crowds and obviously everyone needs a “Little bit of Love”. The first chords of the newest single “I help you hate me” were played and everyone started to clap and sing a long again. It is one of the best songs to sing with large crowds and it made for a great moment.
Samu’s voice is so special and so incredible and in “Hurtsville” we could enjoy it in a slow ballade. “Heartbreak Century” the title track of their current record can’t be left out in this 20 songs strong setlist. “Never Let Go” and “Room” were next. Another great rock ballade is “Lifesaver”. The Hallenstadion was lit up with phone lights and everyone waved it in the right rhythm. Just beautiful. Each song had a brilliant rhythm where people could clap along too and that automatically creates a good atmosphere. In “Question Mark” I wasn’t sure if they spoke finish for a sec but it turned out that they just quickly speak English in their cute accent.
The band thanked his long-time friend Anna who had the great idea to put the flag onto the album cover. The huge flag of the Swiss Sunrise Avenue Crew hung at the back of the venue. A lot of Swiss and Finish flags were in the audience so the next song “Flag” fitted perfectly. I enjoyed another very old song “I don’t dance” before the Hallenstadion was turned into a sea of lights again for “Afterglow”. Last time they played this song in this venue they were at the Energy Star Night and Samu tripped over the moving camera on the floor. Again he mentioned how much he hurt himself but like a pro he finished the set.
This next song was my highlight of the evening! Sunrise Avenue changed up “Forever Yours” to a complete new song. So intense, so dark and so good. Imagine this song is 9 years old! Sunrise Avenue already played two hours and they weren’t looking tired so we got see and listen to even more songs such as “Let Me Go” and “Point of No Return”. Riku and Raul always made sure to include the people on their side even out on the stands. I honestly love to see so much interaction with the audience. Sunrise Avenue seemed to be the same rock band from way back when just on a bigger stage with a huge production.
The production is amazing. The lights and the 3 screens are part of this great rock show. But what makes them so likable is their charm. Samu addressed the audience quite a few times and joked with us. When he didn’t manage to open his water bottle he just ripped it only to realise that it was already open. Boys will be boys so he squeezed the bottle and water came out. πŸ˜€ Obviously Sunrise Avenue couldn’t leave the stage without playing one of their biggest hits “Fairytale Gone Bad”.
Unfortunately the two hours fly by and the lads had to leave the stage only to come back for 2 more songs. A slow song called “Home” and their uber hit “Hollywood Hills”. Finally everyone was standing and partied and sang along to. It was the perfect ending to a great gig.
Are you party of the Sunrise Avenue Crew? How did you like the gig? Leave a reply below.

Check out my latest gigs: Franz Ferdinand, Liam Gallagher, The Script
Allgemein, Concerts

Freedom Child Tour Diary: Zurich – Six Degrees of Emotions

The Swiss The Script Family has been waiting for this for three years and finally on March 8th we were blessed with a gig or so we thought. Unfortunately the flu made the rounds and Danny caught a chest and a viral infection so the gig was cancelled. However the outcome I had an amazing day with lots of good friends. Let me share some emotions with you.
I woke up feeling very excited which is very unlike me before a The Script gig. I couldn’t wait to get to Hallenstadion and meet everyone. So at 2.30 I walked to the venue and met already people I know on the way. I felt really happy and excited. It was like a big family reunion. Two of us stood at the other end of the venue and tried to catch a glimpse of the band. The majority gathered in front of the entry. So what to do for the next 3 hours? Two of us found 2 Lime Bike’s laying around so they circled the venue.
The 2nd time they came around they brought bad news. The gig is cancelled. Our first thought: Yeah right. I don’t believe it. Then I got a text from the 2 on the other end. Security went home. Gig cancelled. No way?! Let me call the venue. Yes, gig cancelled. Seriously? This can’t be happening?! We decided to stay and wait for the lads to tell us or tweet us. Again people started circling the venue to get more info. We don’t believe it. Finally we found Matt – one of the roadies – Yes, gig is cancelled. Unbelievable…
We all started getting texts from people at home. We heard rumours that the gig is cancelled is it true? Do you know more? It was 3, 3.30 and more and more sources started to confirm it. However Good News the organiser still told people they don’t know anything while the venue confirmed it right away. I think they were already trying to reschedule the gig. I’ve heard they tried to do it on Saturday but I am glad that they didn’t do it. People forget that performers are still human. Yes, they get most likely super great care but still a chest infection hurts and takes weeks to heal. We love them and we want them to be healthy and happy to perform. A cancelled gig is never fun but we understand.
I completely understand if people are upset about having paid accommodation and travel fees but then again would you really want someone sick performing? Put yourself in their shoes and then ask yourself would you be able to perform a two hour gig? No. I read a few comments when Lady Gaga and Helene Fischer cancelled their gigs of people saying they should pay for their travel expenses. They were angry and didn’t even consider another persons health! That’s why I am glad they The Script didn’t reschedule to Saturday! In fact I would have understood if they cancelled Milano and Vienna too. This would have given them a week of rest and they’d be ready to rock out the two sold out shows in Amsterdam and Paddy’s day in Brussels.
But you know them they don’t cancel gigs lightly. So I’m actually sitting on the train to Milano not knowing if the gig tonight is going ahead or not. But you know what?? I am not even the slightest bit worried. If it doesn’t go ahead I still had a nice day out and I’m meeting another member of our The Script family! How great is that?!
Back to yesterday’s events. Like I said we all had messaged floating in from people at home and we all told them to stay at home and wait for the announcement at 4! At 4 The organiser finally announced that the gig was cancelled. So it was finally official plus the lads posted a video which got deleted shortly after for whatever reasons and got replaced by an official message. So if people traveling from far away didn’t have someone at the venue who told them to stay home by the time the cancellation was official they would have been already on their way. That’s why we saw lots of people with sad faces later that night.
All 18 of us stayed at the venue because we wanted to quickly speak to Glen and Mark. Me personally I wanted to know about Milano and what they were planning about tomorrow’s gig. So a little while later someone managed to see Glen and he was quite positive about Milano so let’s see! I will keep you posted. At 7 Mark came out and spoke the ones left however I was too cold and too hungry so we left right before. But seriously can I just say how cool it is that they come out at this huge venue and talk to us? How many artists do this? Not many…
And what did Ella Eyre do? She went to the zoo and enjoyed her day off like the other guys from the crew. They finally had some time to get a drink in Zurich. So to some it was a blessing, to some it was devastation and to others it was a fun day out. To finish this article with words of the Script: All we heard is nothing… but at least we got a poster! πŸ˜‰
Want to share your experience? Leave a reply below.

Allgemein, Concerts

All of the Lights

Yesterday I enjoyed my first gig in 2018. Alt-J played their biggest show in Switzerland to date at Hallenstadion Club and it was a super special gig. I am very grateful to Just Because for bringing these interesting artists to Switzerland and for always supporting my blog.
Like I said in my New Music post I am so curious about these british lads. So I got to the venue with mixed feelings. As soon as Alt-J started their show they had me. I was in awe of their light show and I still am. It was fascinating to see how it matched the music. The patterns and the colours were absolutely incredible. Who would have thought that a few light bulbs can make for such a show!

I do have a few pictures to show you but this show is really hard to catch in a picture. This is why I recommend you to go onto my Instagram page and have a look at my Alt-J highlights. The trio started their show with “Deadcrush”, “Fitzpleasure” and “Something Good”. I spent the first few songs staring at the lights and was mesmerized by it. “Nara” and “The Gospel of John Hurt” followed. I finally got round to focus on the voice of Joe Newman. He’s got a super special way of singing but it totally matches their sound and their show.

Before “In Cold Blood” Alt-J spoke to their Swiss fans and the first woop’s were heard. But I gotta say the crowd was very quiet but I guess everyone was just fascinated by the show. What I really loved about last night’s audience was that they were really relaxed. Everyone had a good time even if they weren’t the loudest crowd I’ve seen at least they seemed to enjoy themselves. “Ripe & Ruin”, “Tessellate” and the Intro of “This is All Yours” followed my favourite Alt-J song.
The lights sparkled and changed colours from green to pink to blue. “Every other Freckle”, “Hunger of the Pine” and “Bloodflood” were next. I wasn’t really dancing because I was watching the show so I started to get really cold. I think there was also a draft in the Hallenstadion and I looked like an eskimo with my jacket and scarf on πŸ™‚ Finally for Matilda the crowd started to wake up and dance a little more. For the last few songs “Dissolve Me”, “Pleader” and “Taro” there was quite a good atmosphere. After an hour they played “Left hand free” before Alt-J went off stage for the encore.

Joe Newman, Gus Unger-Hamilton and Thom Green obviously came back for two more songs before they sent their Swiss audience back into the snowy rain to get home. The encore began with an intro of their debut record An Awesome Wave. Their huge hit “3WW” followed. But my favourite song because of the light show and the up-tempo feel of the song was “Breezeblocks”. Alt-J put all the lights in action with as many colours as possible and it was a brilliant to their 90mins set.
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Were you at the gig yesterday? Did you enjoy the light show as much as me? Leave a reply below.

Check out my latest gigs: Hoodie Allen, Stone Sour, Tom Grennan
Allgemein, New Music

New Music: Relaxer by Alt-J

Alt-J is a current 3 piece British band from Leeds. Alt-J fans are enjoying their unique indie electronic pop since 2007. Last year they released their 3rd album Relaxer and lucky us Just Because is bringing them to Club Hallenstadion on Sunday, 21st February 2018. There are still tickets available on Ticketcorner: Just click here.
Alt-J reminds me of an artist called Jean-Michel Jarre who I’ve seen a few years ago. Their sound seems to go in this direction. From instrumental tunes to main stream songs over to very mellow songs. It is quite interesting and I am looking forward to see how their Live show is. Will they be working with lights and laser? Will it be very DJ-like? I’ve got lots of questions and the answers will follow next Monday right here on Kekoas Korner.
Enough talking let’s listen to some music! The lead singer of the record is a feature with Ellie Rowsell of Wolf Alice and is called “3WW”:

Special right?! Special is always good. I love how the song starts really quiet and slow and it builds and it breaks again. And another special song of the new album with a beat that I like is called “In Cold Blood” and is their 2nd single of the album Relaxer.

And finally I want to show you an old song “Matilda” from their debut album An Awesome Wave. Over the years the band experienced some changes but also great success. Alt-J played various festivals and won the British Mercury Prize in 2012. Another fact is that Alt-J’s band name looks actually like this βˆ†. But I guess no-one would be able to pronounce the name. To me this is another interesting fact about the band. And you guessed right I have another fun fact about Alt-J. The cover of Relaxer was especially made for them by a Japanese artist Osamu Sato who created the Playstation Game LSD.


Track list:

  1. 3WW
  2. In Cold Blood
  3. House of the Rising Sun
  4. Hit Me Like That Snare
  5. Deadcrush
  6. Adeline
  7. Last Year
  8. Pleader

Sounds interesting? So go get your tix for Sunday and say hi to me at the gig πŸ™‚ If you can’t go keep following Kekoas Korner on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook to keep a close eye on the concert.

Allgemein, Concerts

Xavier Naidoo – A little heaven on earth / Ein bisschen Himmel auf Erden

Xavier Naidoo and his angelic voice brought his “Nicht von dieser Welt” tour to Zurich. On Monday I got a message that I’ve won in the advent calendar of Hallenstadion and so I was able to spend “Samichlaus” day in my 2nd living room πŸ™‚ I really want to thank Hallenstadion for this amazing gift!
When I arrived at the Hallenstadion it was chaos. The people arrived by car and had to wait for a parking spot and then they were waiting in front of the venue to get in. Xavier Naidoo even had to delay the start of his set because half of the audience wasn’t in yet. This very quiet reflective concert was perfect after this troublesome start. We took our seats very close to the stage which was set in the middle of the Hallenstadion.
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At 8.20 Xavier Naidoo and three other musicians took the stage. They started with one of my favourite songs “Wo Willst Du Hin?” and I was totally in awe of these incredible musicians. I knew that I would love Xavier’s voice but this being an acoustic set the instruments were very prominent too. The drummer had lots of different instruments around him and it was incredible to see how easily he switched from one to the other. I loved the yellow egg thingy on the floor. I loved the sound of this very special drum instrument.

Xavier spoke a lot before and after every song. He explained why he wrote the song and why it’s important to him. I really really loved that. He was also quite funny. The musicians played “20’000 Meilen” and “Alles kann besser werden” which is another beautiful song and inspired me to this blog posts title. Xavier’s voice is a God given talent and listening to him brings a little bit of heaven to earth.

Alles kann besser werden
Holen wir uns den Himmel auf Erden
Alles soll besser werden
Holen wir uns den Himmel auf Erden
Alles wird besser werden
Wir holen uns den Himmel auf Erden
Und keiner muss sein Leben mehr gefΓ€hrden
Einer der kostbarsten SchΓ€tze auf Erden

He sang a few songs which had various views of people in war and others were criticising our society. Xavier took a stand and the Swiss audience applauded ferociously. One of my favourite moments of the night was the song called “Still” (“Quiet”). You could hear a pin drop and I’ve never heard so many people being this quiet. We were all listening to Xavier’s pure angelic voice. I had goosebumps and closed my eyes to enjoy this very special moment. “HΓΆrt hΓΆrt” (“Listen listen”) followed after being quiet for a song. And just before the 20 minute break a really special and beautiful love song was played “Sie Sieht Mich Nicht”. This song was the title track of the Asterix & Obelix movie in 1999.
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After the break the slow meaningful songs continued. Lots of lyrics to learn and I think this is why Xavier had a song book in front of him to help with the words. However you never ever had the feeling that he needed to look into it. He can put so much feeling into his songs. It is just WOW! He then said that it is always special to perform in front of amazing musicians who are sat in the audience. I wondered who it was but I didn’t need to wait long for the introduction of Seven! The two met a few years back at the brilliant Blue Balls festival in Lucerne and they participated in the VOX show “Sing meinen Song” and tonight they sang Sam Cookes “A Change is gonna come”. Absolutely stunning!
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And just before the encore one of the most amazing love songs was played “Ich kenne Nichts”. The whole Hallenstadion sang along and at the end we were split into two choirs. First up were the women singing the chorus but as Xavier said this song was written by a man to serenade a woman he asked just the men to sing. Surprisingly a very strong sounding men choir sang “Ich Kenne Nichts, das schΓΆn ist wie du”.
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Xavier Naidoo asked us if we need to do this silly game of him going off stage just to come back to do a few more songs. Obviously the answer was no and so he stayed and gave his encore just like that. “Dieser Weg” was his last song and the whole Hallenstadion stood up and sang together with Xavier. He finished the concert with the words:

Thank you for coming! Have a safe journey home.

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I love artists who do that. Again I want to thank the Hallenstadion for this amazing gift of an incredible night and a lot of special moments with my concert buddy. And finally I want to thank Xavier Naidoo for three hours heaven on earth. Gott schΓΌtze dich!
Have you been to Xavier Naidoo’s concerts? Please let me know how you felt about it in the comments below or on my social media accounts TwitterInstagram or Facebook.
Take a look at my last three concerts: Mando Diao, Texas, JP Cooper.