Dean Lewis and Noah Kahan – Two incredible singer songwriters going on tour together! This is a must go to gig for everyone who loves a man and a guitar shows. In addition to that I think this will be your last chance to see them in a relatively small venue at Kaufleuten because both of them are rising stars and will soon fill much bigger venues.
Dean Lewis
Dean Lewis is an Aussie slowly making it all over the world. With his first single “Waves” gaining traffic in Australia while his 2nd single “Be Alright” is already getting airplay in Europe and he sold out his show last winter at Papiersaal. So it’s only fitting that he’s playing the next bigger venue now. Fast forward into 2019 where he released his 3rd single “7 Minutes” and his back for another show on Sunday, April 7th at Kaufleuten. You can get tix here.
In an article I read that he is a huge Oasis fan and that they basically thought him how to write songs. So we all know the legendary hits “Wonderwall” or “Don’t look back in Anger” and we can only hope that Dean Lewis will be writing hits just like that and you can say you’ve been there from the start! 🙂
Noah Kahan is an American singer who released his first song “Youngblood” in 2017. He is working with with Joel Little who is also responsible for the hits of Lorde and Khalid. But I’m sure you know this guy from his most recent single “Hurt Somebody” featuring Julia Michaels. The song has been playing on the radio non-stop over the last few months.
Like Dean Lewis I think that Noah Kahan will be making it big time since he is such a talented singer songwriter and he’s got great people backing him. I can only recommend you to come to the show on April 7th and see/ hear for yourself those two amazing individuals putting up a brill show which you’ll be remember as your “I see them first”-moment.
Letztes Jahr durfte ich Max Giesinger an der Baloise Session zum ersten Mal live sehen. Ich hatte total falsche Vorstellungen und innerhalb von weniger Minuten hatte Max Giesinger mich zum Fan gemacht. Natürlich wusste ich, dass ich mir die Chance ihn im Dynamo zu sehen, nicht entgehen lassen kann.
Chris James – der Support – ist Deutscher macht aber Musik in Amerika. Er hat echt toll Lieder und war super sympathisch. Die Leute wurden super aufgewärmt und ich würde mir den Namen merken 🙂
Kurz vor 21.00 Uhr dröhnte plötzlich Bruno Mars’ “24K Magic” aus den Lautsprechern. Die Leute fingen schon an zu Tanzen. Das Licht wurde ausgemacht und Max’s Band kam auf die Bühne. Nach einem kurzen Intro kam Max Giesinger auf die Bühne und sie fingen mit “Roulette” an. Aber zuerst wurde die erste Reihe per High Five gegrüsst und dem Rest wurde zugewunken. Aber das war noch nicht alles! Max besuchte die Party People in der Mitte, in dem er kurzerhand über die Schranken ins Publikum sprang. Ein kurzer Remix mit Pharrell Williams “Get Lucky” lag auch noch drin 🙂
Die 5 Jungs spielten am Tag vorher am Energy Air for 40’000 Zuschauer und natürlich ging die Party Backstage weiter. Deshalb war am Sonntag ausschlafen und chillen angesagt. Da der Sommer in die Verlängerung geht, konnten die Jungs in der Limmat schwimmen – Ja Max der Fluss heisst Limmat nicht Rivella 😀 Nach dem kurzen Wintereinbruch letzte Woche sind wir wieder im Sommer. Der beste Song dafür hat Max Giesinger natürlich im Gepäck: “Kalifornien”. Die Jungs haben sich natürlich nicht eingecremt und nen dicken Sonnenbrand eingeholt. Also bitte Leute immer eincremen auch im September! 🙂
Einer meiner Lieblingssongs im Moment ist “Legenden”. An der Weltklasse Zürich wurde das Lied am Schluss gespielt und für mich war das einfach der perfekte Song im perfekt Moment. Eine Stadiumhymne, die auch im kleinen funktioniert. Wie Max gestern erzählt hat, man möchte ja als Künstler immer grösser werden, aber es ist genauso schön in kleinen Clubs zu spielen. Man spürt die Energie und sieht die Leute. “Ultraviolett” von seiner zweiten CD war als nächstes dran. Während “Für Dich, Für Mich” sangen wir “Ohhh ohhh ohh” und bei “Nicht so schnell” wavten wir mit den Armen 🙂 Ein wunderschöner Song bei dem man genau auf den Text achten sollte.
Max sass dieses Jahr in der Jury von The Voice Kids und fand ein Schweizer Talent: Flavio Rizello. Natürlich hat er ihn jetzt eingeladen, mit ihm zu singen. Die beiden sangen “Feeling Good” und ich hatte echt Gänsehaut. Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass Flavio eine so tolle Stimme hat. Max meinte, dass nicht mal er mit 14 so gut gesungen hat – vielleicht nicht mal jetzt 😀 Nach einem kurzen Umbau stellte Max mit viel Witz seine Band vor. Die 5 sassen nun nebeneinander und spielten eines meiner Favoriten: “Die Guten Tage strahlen”. Das Lied hat einen Country-Music-Touch und ist einfach nur super toll.
Steffen und Klaus
Max, sein neuer Bassist und Lars
Wieder ein kurzer Umbau und da ich ganz links war, sah ich ein weisses T-Shirt hinter dem abgetrennten Teil nach hinten rennen. Ich wusste, dass muss Max sein 😀 Niemand sah ihn zum Sound laufen. Die meisten schauten mich komisch an, weil ich immer nach hinten schaute… Als das Licht dann auf ihn gerichtet wurde, war es den Leuten klar warum ich nach hinten schaute, anstatt nach vorne wie sie 😀 “Der Junge, der rennt” sang Max Giesinger in Mitten des Publikums. Ich finde es einfach toll, wie nah Max Giesinger am Publikum ist. Man merkt einfach, wie viel Freude es ihm macht und er einfach nur dankbar ist, dass er nun vor grösserem Publikum spielen darf.
Dieser Hit durfte natürlich nicht fehlen und alle erkannten ihn sofort als Max Giesinger das Harmonium in die Hand nahm. Nach “Wenn sie tanzt” hatte Max noch etwas vorbereitet. Er spielte einige Takte z.B. von Lambada auf dem Harmonium und wir sangen sie nach. It was a lot of fun! 😀 Dann meinte Max, er möchte bei jedem Besuch einige Wörter auf Schweizerdeutsch dazu lernen. Dieses Mal waren es zwei: Erstens Chuchichäschtli – was natürlich jeder Schweizer als Paradebeispiel benutzt – und zweitens und jetzt kommts Eichhörnli! Flavio hatte ihm das beigebracht 😀 So ein nützliches Wort, nicht wahr?!
Der nächste Beat kannten alle und da wir so ein musikalisches Publikum waren, fingen wir sofort an “We Will Rock You” zu klatschen und zu singen. Max liess sich sofort darauf ein und sang die erste Strophe und der Refrain bevor er dann ins nächste Lied “Vielleicht im nächsten Leben” einstieg. Max Giesinger erzählte nun von seiner Jugend. Er besitzt jede Ausgabe der Kuschelrock-CD vor allem die Nummer 18 bedeutete ihm viel 😀 Deshalb spielte die Band und Max ein Medley aus 90’s Songs: Can’t Stop von den Red Hot Chili Peppers, Don’t let go von En Vogue und eines meiner Lieblingslieder – das normalerweise nur Pink covern darf – What’s up?! von den 4 Non Blondes. Einfach nur toll!
Im November kommt die neue CD und “Wir Waren Hier” wird da drauf sein. Es ist die Geschichte von Max Giesinger, der sich vom Strassenmusiker zum Berufsmusiker durchkämpfte. Ein toller Song mit tollem Text! Natürlich geht Max nächstes Jahr wieder auf Tour. Er wird am 10. März im Kaufleuten spielen. Tickets sind ab Freitag auf Starticket verfügbar. Leider war es nun schon Zeit, dass sich die Jungs von uns verabschiedeten. Aber natürlich nur für ein paar Minuten. Mit seinem Mega-Hit “80 Millionen” meldeten sie sich zurück. Nachdem wir als Background-Chor ausgedient haben, holte sich Max 3 kleine Mädchen auf die Bühne. Ein mega süsser Kinderchor und sicher ein Erlebnis, dass die kleinen nie mehr vergessen werden! Max Giesinger sang mit den super textsicheren Kiddies und wir waren ganz still und lauschten 🙂
Nach 2 Stunden war das Ende nah und die 5 Jungs spielten “Für immer”. Der perfekte Abschluss für einen tollen Konzertabend der mit dem folgenden Text endete:
Du hast gesagt du bleibst für immer, für immer
Du hast gesagt du bleibst für immer
dass wir die Lichter sehen, bis die Musik ausgeht
Ach ja, was noch zu sagen bleibt. Lieber Max, natürlich kannst du in Zürich Tretboot fahren aber hier heisst’s Pedalo fahren! 😀 Möchtest du deine Erinnerungen deines letzten Max-Giesinger-Konzertes teilen? Dann schreib doch unten die Kommentare oder schau auf Instagram vorbei 🙂
Thanks to Just Because I always get to try out new music I don’t know yet. So on Tuesday I went to see Selah Sue – a Belgian musician who came back from the mommy break to shut up the Kaufleuten crowd.
A little after 9 a piano player and cello player took the stage and played an intro and then Selah Sue came from the blackness into the light. It was a super weird intro at least that’s what I thought. I really didn’t know if I was going to like what I’m about to hear. I was pretty critical. Selah Sue started with “So this is Love”. I was still observing…
Credit: Patrick Holenstein from Bäckstage Magazine
She then told us that she became a Mum this year and that she loves laying down in a hammock with her son. I could picture her just doing that. Of course Motherhood inspired her so the next song was written for her little boy called “In a Heartbeat”. I loved it and I loved how she explained the story behind this song. She warmed my heart already.
Plus she started playing the guitar now. Soft chords for the last song and loud ones for “Fyah Fyah”. Surprisingly the Kaufleuten crowd knew the song and sang with her! What I feared the most seeing her at Kaufleuten was that the crowd would constantly chat and you could hear the bar people working. This is what normally happens. However she must attract a different audience than most. They were quiet! I was really impressed and happy 🙂 When looking around into people’s faces they were actually listen to her singing. I absolutely loved the atmosphere. “Fyah Fyah” was my favourite and after seeing Julian Marley a few weeks ago it was right up my alley 🙂 She must have grown up with a lot of Jamaican buddies.
Credit: Patrick Holenstein from Bäckstage Magazine
Selah Sue brought out the loop thingy too and you know I’m a huge fan of it. Ed Sheeran can fill a stadium with his guitar and a loop station. This little thing is so impressive. She created a whole band and backing singers with it. So for the next few songs I was focused again on her being a very talented musician and her special raspy voice: “Peace of Mind”, “I won’t go for more”, “Alone”, “Full of life”. Then she explained that she was working with another Jazz musician on a cover song the past month so she started with some very famous lyrics:
When I was just a little girl I asked my mother what will I be?
Of course it’s “Que sera, sera”. “Always home” and “I Need” followed. I don’t know why but I seem to know the next song. It’s “This World”. Her last official song. For this one she brought out another gadget. It replaced the drummer. It’s quite difficult to explain so best to have a look in the highlights on my Instagram account. Of course the effect of the that gadget was supported by the lights and those two things together made for a great show.
Credit: Patrick Holenstein from Bäckstage Magazine
The three musicians left the stage and I really didn’t think they would come back. But Selah Sue came back with her guitar and asked us so what songs do you want to hear? 5 different songs were shouted at her. It came down to two songs after trying the loud-o-meter with audience. First she sang “Summertime” a very lovely ballade. The 2nd favourite song was “Raggamuffin”. Another song with Jamaican roots. She changed the lyrics again and sang:
In Zürich they want me
And yes we really do! I hope Selah Sue comes back really soon! Thank you for surprising me and turning me into a fan 🙂 Have you seen Selah Sue in concert? Share your experience in the comments below.
Selah Sue sounds like a mix between Erykah Badu and Amy Winehouse and she is coming to Kaufleuten on Aug. 28th with her very special acoustic set.
Who’s Selah Sue?
Selah Sue is a belgian artist who debuted her self titled record in 2011. She earned herself various recognitions along the way until she released her 2nd album in 2015 called Reason. But what struck me as the most interesting is that she participated in an open mic night which was organized by none other than Milow himself who then asked her to be his supporting act.
What does Selah Sue sound like?
To me she sounds like a mix between Erykah Badu and Amy Winehouse. She’s got a very special and recognizable voice and the chill factor of Erykah Badu. I think her music is perfect for your chilled evenings with friends. The most famous song which also got some air play is the following:
When can I see Selah Sue live?
Selah Sue is currently touring with a very special acoustic set of her songs. And believe me if you hear a show is strictly acoustical you gotta go. This is something you don’t get to hear every day. I bet you won’t regret it. Just Because and Kaufleuten are presenting Selah Sue – Acoustic on Aug. 28th !
Share your experience:
Thanks to my Irish luck I was a very busy woman on Wednesday! First I won two tix to see Snow Patrol at the Energy Live session at Kaufleuten and then I won 2 tix to see Travis at the opening night of the Unique Moments Festival at Landesmuseum. So I had to try and watch both gigs and it kinda worked out 🙂
With a very unfortunate 10 min delay Snow Patrol took the stage at 8.40 in a very hot Kaufleuten. First they sang “Chocolate”, “You’re all I have” and “Crack the shutters”. I’ve never seen them live and being in a small venue helps to properly watch them. The 4 lads are so passionate and love their music. Plus they are very humble and funny! Apparently there’s a club in Belfast that looks exactly like Kaufleuten so Gary Lightbody said: Continue reading “1 evening, 2 concerts: Snow Patrol and Travis”→
Thanks to Mainland Music I got to actually see Turin Brakes this year. A few years back they performed at the Zermatt Unplugged in Zurich and I only got to hear them from outside since I didn’t have tickets for that show. They smashed it and I really wanted to see them too so last Wednesday I finally had the chance.
An Italian band called Dog Byron opened up. They performed quite a few songs of their record Eleven Craters. I loved the voice of Max – the lead singer. He has a very deep characteristic voice you can listen to all night. Make sure to check them out on Spotify.
A little after 9 the four lads took the stage in a very casual manner. Turin Brakes presented songs from their new album Invisible Storm as well as old songs from their 9 year career as a band. Turin Brakes started with “Would you be mine”, “Wait” and “Life Farms”. Around 100 people came to the London lads at Papiersaal. I loved the atmosphere. We had space to dance and just enough space to fully enjoy the brilliant music.
“Future boy”, “State of Things” and “Rain City” were next. Turin Brakes are able to play slow songs as well as rock songs but what I enjoy the most is that all of them have a certain rhythm. I was stamping, clapping or nodding the whole time. Eddie the base player looked a bit wild to me and he confirmed it when he said that he loves wolfs and feels like he is almost one. So he asked us:
Zurich, are you ready to howl with me?
The whole Papiersaal howled a few times while the first chords of “Lost in the woods” started. One of the highlights of the evening to me. “Last chance” and “72” followed which I really liked too. Such a good rhythm. Gale – the guitar player – tried to joke with us but no-one laughed so Eddie started howling again. Apparently Swiss people like to howl 🙂
The set continued with “Painkiller”, “Fishing 4 a Dream” and the title track to the new record “Invisible Storm”. Olly said that they had some time off today and watched some Swiss people doing loops with their bicycle and now in their mind every Swiss person can do this. For my international readers: No, not every Swiss person is able to do this ;D
Like they said they know that we know that they know that we know that they will head off stage soon only to come back if we are loud enough 🙂 So “Black Rabbit” was the last song before the break. The audience got louder and louder. We enjoyed a great evening with amazing live music from Turin Brakes.
Rob on the drums was the first one to come back on stage to play “Keep me around”. Of course we wanted to keep them around! 🙂 My favourite song and the loudest so far was “Everything All At Once”. We got another one called “Under Dog”. The four lads from London left the stage again and we started howling again. Eddie was so happy about this and promised to come back soon after they came back for a 2nd encore.
“Don’t Know Much” and the final song “Slack” finished this evening. I was really glad to have seen them however I think last time was more special when I couldn’t see and just hear them. 🙂 Have you seen Turin Brakes? Share your experience below and leave a reply.
Many of my international readers probably won’t know Seven. He’s a Swiss musician and he’s been around for quite some time. I’ve seen him last summer at the Gurtenfestival and Seven and his band shared a very special moment with us. He asked us to close our eyes and listen to “Help”.
With “Help” Seven and his 7 musicians started their set at the sold out Kaufleuten last night. A very brave move to start with a slow song. Unfortunately in this venue most of the people are not there to actually listen to the lyrics. They are there because it’s the place to be so they are chatting throughout the gig. So disrespectful! Now let me introduce you to Seven’s show concept. His newest album is called 4 colours and it supports the various songs on the album and gives a bit of structure to it.
First he started with blue and after “Help” we got hear “Thank you Pain” and “Lisa”. The colour changed to yellow and the tempo of the songs got faster. A little summer thunderstorm started to break out in Kaufleuten and they performed “I can’t wait for the rain”. Another warm song “City of Gold” got us dancing and singing. Then Seven spoke about his incredible year he had last year after he was invited to join the programme “Sing meinen Song” (Sing my song). It’s a German programme where around 7 musicians participate. They meet up and sing each others songs and the outcome are beautiful new songs of classics.
So Seven sings Xavier Naidoo‘s version of his song “Go Slow” which like he said is sing sing my song song. Absolutely hilarious! Seven is an entertainer and shared private stories as well as jokes which I really really loved. And of course this concept goes both ways so he sang one of Xavier’s song and my favourite “Das hat die Welt noch nicht gesehen”. So different but so cool! 🙂 It was time to change the colours again…
Time for Red. During “Trick” I stood up again and danced away. Luckily I had enough space and I really enjoyed this moment. This next song “Black Pearl” he sang for his wife. They are sharing two kids and Seven said how humbling it is to come back to a normal life after a gig like this. His son won’t ask him how the gig was but he will ask
Papi, Lego?
Again the whole Kaufleuten was laughing. Finally he sang his first single and my favourite. But of course Seven being Seven he didn’t perform it the way it was. Him and his super talented band mates turned it into a complete new song. A song that I even like more than the old version! Again you have to be really brave to do that or maybe as talented as they are to pull that off.
Another interlude and a colour change followed. Time for Purple. Time to dance. Time for funk. “Africa”, “1978”, “Brave” and “Partytown” turned Kaufleuten into a disco party. More and more people stood up and the people downstairs were already dancing. A quick walk through the crowd and high five’s to everyone on the way to the stage was also part of the set. Seven knows how to feel everyone welcome and to entertain big or small crowds. He is a an incredible musician and so talented. I am repeating myself but it’s true. He deserves all the praise he gets and I wish that he and his band can continue to do what they love. The passion, the love for music is palpable and this transfers onto the audience. Concerts like these are the best!
After a quick party set Seven did something I have never seen at Kaufleuten. He was able to shut up the chit chatters with “What if”. A beautiful moment. With “High” the band finished a brilliant two hour set. It was time to go home and play lego. 🙂 Have you seen Seven live? Please share your experience with us and leave a reply below.
Kekoas Korner is a huge fan of Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats. After hearing “S.O.B” their first single on the radio I knew I had to get their self-titled debut record which turned me into an even bigger fan. Being lucky again I won two tickets to their show at Kaufleuten in 2016.
Kekoas Korner proudly announced that Nathaniel Ratliff & The Night Sweats are back! Their lead single “You Worry Me” is already out and the album Tearing at the seams will follow on March, 9th. But the best news is that they are coming to town on March, 22! Tickets are still available here. Have a listen to their first single “You Worry Me”:
Sounds great, doesn’t it? I just love their sound. It reminds of a nice summer day driving with open windows just enjoying the sun. Their debut record is one of 5 records I always keep in my car. So for me buying the new record is a done deal. If you feel the same you can pre-order the record by clicking here.
To create this record Nathaniel Rateliff felt like the Night Sweats need to be part of it since he did the first album by himself. The initial writing session were based in Rodeo, New Mexico were they had to figure out how to write a record as a band. This makes me wonder how the sound of this 2nd album is different to the first. Here’s the song list:
Shoe Boot
Be There
A Little Honey
Say It Louder
Hey Mama
Babe I Know
Coolin’ Out
Baby I Lost My Way, (But I’m Going Home)
You Worry Me
Still Out There Running
Tearing at the Seams
Which immediately strikes my eye is that the Intro song is No. 7 and not No. 1 on the record. I guess we gotta wait and see what this is all about.
Let me leave you with my favourite song by Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats:
On Tuesday night I got to see Mando Diao at Kaufleuten thanks to Mainland Music. The venue was sold out and it was quite packed. Luckily I found a good spot on the balcony. The Swedish lads have been around for ages but I never managed to see them live so I was super excited to cross them off my bucket list.
First up were a German band called RAZZ who reminded me of The New Cities. I liked their music but they couldn’t fully catch my attention. Nevertheless it was a good warm up and the sound suited Mando Diao.
At 8.30 the lights went off and a long intro started. Finally the 5 musicians came on stage and the energy immediately radiated off them. With “San Francisco Bay” and “All the Things” they literally tried to wake us up and Björn the lead singer asked the crowd to come even closer to the stage. So his first words to us were:
Wakey Wakey Zurich!
“Sweet Ride” was next and one of my favourite songs of the night was “Good Times”. I loved the vibe and the good feeling the song transported. It will deffo make my playlist. We were asked to put our hands up and everyone complied. This was the perfect way to get everyone clapping. It looked amazing from the balcony and the Kaufleuten was buzzin’. “All my senses”, “Dancing all the way to hell” and “One two three” followed and by then I knew I should have seen them live sooner. Mando Diao is an absolute force on stage and they are making sure that you will have a good time for around 100 minutes of your day.
The lights were amazing and different for every song. During “Mr. Moon” and “The Band” I looked around the audience and everyone had a smile on their face and were dancing. During “Break Us” only Björn Dixgard and the first Mando Diao member Daniel Haglund were on stage. Together they played this beautiful ballade – moment to just enjoy. Björn’s voice is quite remarkable. It seems like he drinks Whiskey for breakfast to get this beautiful raspy voice.
The three others came back and the rock show continued with “Voices on the radio”, “Watch me now” and “Down in the past”. The guys did an amazing job to include everyone. Even the people on the balcony were involved. Mando Diao created a great atmosphere! Suddenly it felt like Kaufleuten turned the heating on. The warmth was rising from the people below or maybe it was just because Björn took of his shirt? 😉
Before we were all looking for that special girl in the audience we rocked to “You got nothing on me”. And there she was “Gloria” – a huge hit and everyone knew it so we were asked to sing the chorus. So everyone shouted “Gloria” but the rest of the lyrics were quite a mumble which made even the band smile. So here are the lyrics for next time:
So Gloria steps out from the prison
Gloria’s no longer the wasted disco girl
You’ve been dreaming about
Gloria, alone now forever
Gloria, away in the air now
Gloria, she’s no longer your slave, no, no
The Swedes left the stage after they played “Ochrasy” but of course they were brought back thanks to a continuous very loud cheer of the Kaufleuten audience. “Child” was the first encore but obviously they hadn’t played two of their biggest hits yet. So “Shake” was next and literally everybody was shaking their body and singing as loud as they could. During the song Björn went off stage and Jens Siverstedt took the mic. He introduced the bass player Carl-Johan Fogelklou, the drums Patrik Heikipieti – the beast from the north! – and Daniel on the keys.
Björn rejoined the band to sing one last song: “Dance with Somebody”! The energy level rose to the max and I guess this is why Mando Diao plays the smaller clubs. This kind of energy is quite hard to reach in bigger venues. I could see everyone’s hands in the air and we were all singing along. Patrik joined the four musicians in the front and the 5 stood there to orchestrate the Kaufleuten crowd. So the gig ended with a choir of
I’m falling in love with your favorite song
I’m gonna sing it all night long
I’m gonna dance with somebody
Dance with somebody
Dance, dance, dance
I absolutely loved this end to an amazing rock gig. Björn said they were proud to sing in front of us and thanked us for coming out to see them since without us they’d still be a band playing in a garage. These are the kind of artists I want to support with my hard earned money. A Mando Diao Fan is born – I know I’m a bit late to the party but hey better late than never! 😉 Hopefully they’ll be back for some festivals in the summer so I really have to start listening to their newest record “Good Times“. Did you enjoy yesterday’s gig as much as me? Leave a comment and share your opinion below or on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
! Naturally 7 are amazing !
There are not enough words to describe how talented and lovely those 7 lads are. So I will give my best to review yesterday’s brilliant concert. I’ve been looking forward to this concert since their announcement and you know that means a lot since I’m going to gigs quite a lot lately. But you can count on Naturally 7 to give a 110 % and to make these two hours the best you’ve ever had.
At 8 they started with “Jericho” and “Wall of Sound” two of my favourite songs! Each time it is mesmerising what they can do with their voices! Plus it is very familiar now and I’m already dancing along which is what I love to do. Roger always asks the audience: “How many of you see us for the first time?” And always quite a few people raise their hands which surprises me every time. But just as much people have seen them before and come back as friends. I would also like to mention that each time they are playing in Zurich the crowd is incredibly loud and is cheering almost from the start. This really doesn’t happen a lot but Naturally 7 manages to turn the quiet Swiss people into a loud crowd within just 1 song. Yesterday evening it was even louder than the last time!
In my interview in July they told me that we are very loud and that they love to come here because of it. They said it again yesterday and I have to agree. You could really see that they were enjoying it too. As you might know Dwight is originally from Jamaica so they covered the Rastafarian song “Rivers of Babylon” which was sang by Brent Dowe and Trevor McNaughton in 1970. Later it was covered by the famous Boney M. It was an early highlight and a change to their set which I didn’t even expect.
Tonight they also sang two songs of the new record Both Sides Now. Roger explained that the new one is quite different to the older ones since they were singing acappella for the most part which differs to their usual Vocalplay. The first one “Going Home” is a beautiful ballade and I sat back and just enjoyed those angelic voices. Before the next song they asked us if there were couples in the house and how long they are married. Eventually we found a couple who are married for 40 years! So they dedicated this love song to those two people. BEAUTIFUL!
Before the next Roger asked the youngest in the audience how old they were. So he told a little story about himself and his life. Bottom line was that when you are 10 years old you don’t know how easy your life is without any worries. A few years ago they found the song called “Stressed out” by twentyone pilots and they Naturally 7’ed it yesterday and I absolutely loved it! Warren the “Drummer” got his solo part and it is seriously amazing! You could feel the drums vibrating even if there weren’t any to be seen! They continued with another cover “Crazy” by Gnarls Barkley. Just WOW.
As many people know three of the 7 members are originally from England: Roger and his brother Warren and Garfield. So the three of them are each an “English man in New York” and the whole Kaufleuten sings along. They remix this song with Jay Z’s and Alicia Keys’ “New York” and they bring the “Jamaican Man in New York” back at the end. Dwight then takes the whole Kaufleuten to Jamaica while we sing “One Love”. I felt a lot of love in the room and it was embracing everyone. Funny enough on the way home Bob Marley’s “One Love” came on the radio and my concert buddy and I smiled at each other.
Before the encore they sang another cover “Fix you” by Coldplay. I’ve seen them in Frankfurt this summer (click on Coldplay to read more) and they were good but I adored Naturally 7’s version of this song. It is a quiet highlight of their 2 hour set. And the last song brings the party back! Dancing, clapping, jumping and singing and the whole Kaufleuten went crazy. Just before they left Kelz – the bass – played the chords to the White Stripes’ “Seven Nation Army” and naturally we Swiss people know what to do. I think they were quiet a bit surprised how loud and well we sang that part.
And as always Naturally 7 says Goodbye with a bow and these words:
God Bless You
And yes, God Bless Naturally 7. 7 incredible musicians and lovely people who take time to meet their fans or friends as they say right after the show. Everyone left that night with a smile on their face and I think this is their goal which they achieve every time. So if you have never seen Naturally 7 live you missed out BIG TIME! So stay tuned to my blog and you won’t miss their next concert. Can’t wait that long? Have a look at my instagram and facebook stories to get a little sneak peek or get their newest record “Both Sides Now” Have you seen Naturally 7 live? Share the love in the comment section below.