Snow Patrol came on stage with a huge grin to a packed Samsung Hall after a 7 year hiatus and of course they promised to be back much sooner but let’s start with the beginning of the night.
The awesome support acts: JC Stewart & Foy Vance
Unfortunately I missed out on JC Stewart who was up at 7 but Gary Lightbody calls him the next Superstar so we better check him out! 🙂 At quarter to 8 Foy Vance took the stage with his drummer. I am soo impressed with his voice. At one point during a slow song I closed my eyes and just listened. The goosebumps came and I was super happy. Also the harmonies were on point. He also made me dance and I really had a good time! On top of the voice and the awesome songs he’s also funny and very entertaining so please Foy Vance come back for a headlining show! 🙂
Take back the city!
On the huge LED screen Snow Patrol said Hello Zurich and with that the 5 lads from Northern Ireland walked on stage to an applauding audience – and that was just the beginning of a brilliant evening. With “Take back the city” the guys literally took the city back and we were all enjoying ourselves and from minute one the atmosphere was really good. People singing, dancing, clapping and having a good time. Maybe was it because I was surrounded by English people?? 😀 The hits continued with “Chocolate” and “Crack the Shutters”. What an impressive start!
It was time to introduce new music to us: “Empress” and “Don’t give in”. But you loyal readers know that due to a lucky hand Kekoas Korner got hear the new songs this summer during a super hot Energy Live Session at Kaufleuten. Lots of people were already able to sing along the new songs! Between those two songs Gary Lightbody saw a sign which read welcome back and then spoke with a guy named Miguel who said that he can play all Snow Patrol songs and to prove it Gary asked him “Which one do you want to play?” I couldn’t hear Miguel’s answer but Gary said “Can’t you choose one off the setlist?!” 😀 He must have said “Run” and so Gary informed him “You’re up in two songs!”
Every Fans Dream
“Open your Eyes” was next and then it was Miguel’s turn. Gary Lightbody said that they’ve never done anything like this before but they were willing to try – and they were lucky. Miguel fit right in and together they performed “Run” while the audience was loving it and supporting them by singing along. After “Run” Miguel got an extra loud cheer by the crowd. I’m loving those surprise moments! I think that’s one of the reason why I love going to gigs! You never know what’s going to happen.
“You could be happy”, “Life on Earth”, “Make this go on forever” followed this highlight. It’s crazy how many Snow Patrol songs you actually know because they’ve just been around for so long creating hits. “Shut your Eyes” and “Called out in the dark” are two prominent examples of that. Snow Patrol are so much more than “Chasing Cars” and Gary had to patient a guy from the audience who shouted that song after 20 minutes. 😀
The last hurrah
Gary Lightbody asked us now for help. The next song has got some super high notes and his voice is basically gone in that range so we need to help him out there and of course the Zurich audience did. Together we sang “Heal me”. For “The Lightning Strike” big see through curtains were drawn and the designs of the video clip was shown on the big screen and on the curtains – what a wow effect! 😀 And then the big moment came and a huge roar went through the Samsung Hall. The nearly sold out hall and Snow Patrol performed together “Chasing Cars”. It still gives me goosebumps thinking about that amazing atmosphere. The 5 lads said their Goodbye with “You’re all I have” but of course it wasn’t the last song.
The applause was super loud so Gary and Johnny came back on to play a very beautiful ballade of the new record “Wildness” called “What if this is all the love you ever get?”. Another highlight for me. But of course Gary, Johnny, Nathan, Jonny and Paul were ready to party I mean it was a Saturday Night after all. So with “Just Say Yes” and a promise to come back sooner than this time they let us into the night! On the LED screen you could see words Snow Patrol <3 Zurich and of course Zurich loves Snow Patrol too. The smiles on everyone’s faces were huge until we got roughly ushered out by the – as always – super unfriendly security at Samsung Hall. I guess nothing changes.
Letztes Jahr durfte ich Max Giesinger an der Baloise Session zum ersten Mal live sehen. Ich hatte total falsche Vorstellungen und innerhalb von weniger Minuten hatte Max Giesinger mich zum Fan gemacht. Natürlich wusste ich, dass ich mir die Chance ihn im Dynamo zu sehen, nicht entgehen lassen kann.
Chris James – der Support – ist Deutscher macht aber Musik in Amerika. Er hat echt toll Lieder und war super sympathisch. Die Leute wurden super aufgewärmt und ich würde mir den Namen merken 🙂
Kurz vor 21.00 Uhr dröhnte plötzlich Bruno Mars’ “24K Magic” aus den Lautsprechern. Die Leute fingen schon an zu Tanzen. Das Licht wurde ausgemacht und Max’s Band kam auf die Bühne. Nach einem kurzen Intro kam Max Giesinger auf die Bühne und sie fingen mit “Roulette” an. Aber zuerst wurde die erste Reihe per High Five gegrüsst und dem Rest wurde zugewunken. Aber das war noch nicht alles! Max besuchte die Party People in der Mitte, in dem er kurzerhand über die Schranken ins Publikum sprang. Ein kurzer Remix mit Pharrell Williams “Get Lucky” lag auch noch drin 🙂
Die 5 Jungs spielten am Tag vorher am Energy Air for 40’000 Zuschauer und natürlich ging die Party Backstage weiter. Deshalb war am Sonntag ausschlafen und chillen angesagt. Da der Sommer in die Verlängerung geht, konnten die Jungs in der Limmat schwimmen – Ja Max der Fluss heisst Limmat nicht Rivella 😀 Nach dem kurzen Wintereinbruch letzte Woche sind wir wieder im Sommer. Der beste Song dafür hat Max Giesinger natürlich im Gepäck: “Kalifornien”. Die Jungs haben sich natürlich nicht eingecremt und nen dicken Sonnenbrand eingeholt. Also bitte Leute immer eincremen auch im September! 🙂
Einer meiner Lieblingssongs im Moment ist “Legenden”. An der Weltklasse Zürich wurde das Lied am Schluss gespielt und für mich war das einfach der perfekte Song im perfekt Moment. Eine Stadiumhymne, die auch im kleinen funktioniert. Wie Max gestern erzählt hat, man möchte ja als Künstler immer grösser werden, aber es ist genauso schön in kleinen Clubs zu spielen. Man spürt die Energie und sieht die Leute. “Ultraviolett” von seiner zweiten CD war als nächstes dran. Während “Für Dich, Für Mich” sangen wir “Ohhh ohhh ohh” und bei “Nicht so schnell” wavten wir mit den Armen 🙂 Ein wunderschöner Song bei dem man genau auf den Text achten sollte.
Max sass dieses Jahr in der Jury von The Voice Kids und fand ein Schweizer Talent: Flavio Rizello. Natürlich hat er ihn jetzt eingeladen, mit ihm zu singen. Die beiden sangen “Feeling Good” und ich hatte echt Gänsehaut. Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass Flavio eine so tolle Stimme hat. Max meinte, dass nicht mal er mit 14 so gut gesungen hat – vielleicht nicht mal jetzt 😀 Nach einem kurzen Umbau stellte Max mit viel Witz seine Band vor. Die 5 sassen nun nebeneinander und spielten eines meiner Favoriten: “Die Guten Tage strahlen”. Das Lied hat einen Country-Music-Touch und ist einfach nur super toll.
Wieder ein kurzer Umbau und da ich ganz links war, sah ich ein weisses T-Shirt hinter dem abgetrennten Teil nach hinten rennen. Ich wusste, dass muss Max sein 😀 Niemand sah ihn zum Sound laufen. Die meisten schauten mich komisch an, weil ich immer nach hinten schaute… Als das Licht dann auf ihn gerichtet wurde, war es den Leuten klar warum ich nach hinten schaute, anstatt nach vorne wie sie 😀 “Der Junge, der rennt” sang Max Giesinger in Mitten des Publikums. Ich finde es einfach toll, wie nah Max Giesinger am Publikum ist. Man merkt einfach, wie viel Freude es ihm macht und er einfach nur dankbar ist, dass er nun vor grösserem Publikum spielen darf.
Dieser Hit durfte natürlich nicht fehlen und alle erkannten ihn sofort als Max Giesinger das Harmonium in die Hand nahm. Nach “Wenn sie tanzt” hatte Max noch etwas vorbereitet. Er spielte einige Takte z.B. von Lambada auf dem Harmonium und wir sangen sie nach. It was a lot of fun! 😀 Dann meinte Max, er möchte bei jedem Besuch einige Wörter auf Schweizerdeutsch dazu lernen. Dieses Mal waren es zwei: Erstens Chuchichäschtli – was natürlich jeder Schweizer als Paradebeispiel benutzt – und zweitens und jetzt kommts Eichhörnli! Flavio hatte ihm das beigebracht 😀 So ein nützliches Wort, nicht wahr?!
Der nächste Beat kannten alle und da wir so ein musikalisches Publikum waren, fingen wir sofort an “We Will Rock You” zu klatschen und zu singen. Max liess sich sofort darauf ein und sang die erste Strophe und der Refrain bevor er dann ins nächste Lied “Vielleicht im nächsten Leben” einstieg. Max Giesinger erzählte nun von seiner Jugend. Er besitzt jede Ausgabe der Kuschelrock-CD vor allem die Nummer 18 bedeutete ihm viel 😀 Deshalb spielte die Band und Max ein Medley aus 90’s Songs: Can’t Stop von den Red Hot Chili Peppers, Don’t let go von En Vogue und eines meiner Lieblingslieder – das normalerweise nur Pink covern darf – What’s up?! von den 4 Non Blondes. Einfach nur toll!
Im November kommt die neue CD und “Wir Waren Hier” wird da drauf sein. Es ist die Geschichte von Max Giesinger, der sich vom Strassenmusiker zum Berufsmusiker durchkämpfte. Ein toller Song mit tollem Text! Natürlich geht Max nächstes Jahr wieder auf Tour. Er wird am 10. März im Kaufleuten spielen. Tickets sind ab Freitag auf Starticket verfügbar. Leider war es nun schon Zeit, dass sich die Jungs von uns verabschiedeten. Aber natürlich nur für ein paar Minuten. Mit seinem Mega-Hit “80 Millionen” meldeten sie sich zurück. Nachdem wir als Background-Chor ausgedient haben, holte sich Max 3 kleine Mädchen auf die Bühne. Ein mega süsser Kinderchor und sicher ein Erlebnis, dass die kleinen nie mehr vergessen werden! Max Giesinger sang mit den super textsicheren Kiddies und wir waren ganz still und lauschten 🙂
Nach 2 Stunden war das Ende nah und die 5 Jungs spielten “Für immer”. Der perfekte Abschluss für einen tollen Konzertabend der mit dem folgenden Text endete:
Du hast gesagt du bleibst für immer, für immer
Du hast gesagt du bleibst für immer
dass wir die Lichter sehen, bis die Musik ausgeht
Ach ja, was noch zu sagen bleibt. Lieber Max, natürlich kannst du in Zürich Tretboot fahren aber hier heisst’s Pedalo fahren! 😀 Möchtest du deine Erinnerungen deines letzten Max-Giesinger-Konzertes teilen? Dann schreib doch unten die Kommentare oder schau auf Instagram vorbei 🙂
I’ll be honest with you I didn’t know the three lads from Down Under at first. But Sons of the East have great music on Spotify plus they’re super funny and very nice! This makes writing this post very easy 🙂
Shirley from Loads of Music invited me to be her assistant for her Sons of the East interview. After a super quick photography lesson Dan, Nic and Jack already walked in and they were ready for her questions! I was so focused on taking good pics I didn’t even realized that I was zooming in and out of the interview. Sounds interesting right?
After a super yummy dinner including ice cream – of course – we walked into the SOLD OUT dynamo! And we were blown away by the heat. Wow it was just too hot – yes, I’m saying it was too hot so imagine how warm it must have been. So I officially apologize to Ocie Elliott for not able to listen to their gig. They’re a two piece band from Canada. Have a listen:
While we walked out again we bumped into Dan who was the first to come back after their little adventure around the river Limmat. At 9.20 Sons of the East took the stage in super full Dynamo. Surprisingly the Swiss audience knew the words and were a really great audience. Everyone seemed to have a great time and after only three songs “California”, “Fast & Slow” and “Come Away” I knew I wanted to see them again. Next time a little bit closer to the stage so I don’t have to stand on my tippy toes.
The lads are great live and they were so happy because Zurich is their biggest headline show so far. 700 peeps came out to see them and have a dance. Jack sometimes reminded me of James Brown especially when he was dancing. However the music sounds more like Mumford & Sons and Jack’s voice makes it so special. Sons of the East are spreading good vibes and what could be better to listen to their music on a hot summer night. Especially when Jack started playing the Harmonica I was over the moon!
“Jacaranda Tree”, “Coming Home” and “Lost Cause” was next. By that time I realized that there was a drummer on stage hahaha He was way down at the back and I barely saw the guys so suddenly the drums set in and I was like hold on where are they coming from 😀 I know crazy isn’t it… But even Dan’s banjo was barely visible from my point of view. But let me just say how cool is this instrument?? #banjolover 😀 The 5 musicians – yes, there was also a bass player – started “The Farmer” and the audience started clapping and dancing again. But what probably surprised the most was when they covered Drake’s “Hold on, we’re going home”. I really really love their version! And hey did you notice Nic was taking the lead on this?! Awesome!
Want to listen to little snippets? Have a look onto the highlights of my Instagram. After this smash hit Dan, Nic and Jack toned it down for their beautiful ballade called “Silver Lining”. “Miramare” and “Hold on” followed. The Swiss crowd knew the next songs by heart! For “Already Gone” Jack came down to the fans and even let them sing into the mic. Well done! 🙂 I really loved this good vibe song. Nic took the mic again for “Into the Sun” and again we got to enjoy a very lovely ballade by the lads from OZ. The gig went by super quickly and it was time for them to go off stage.
With some big applause and woo’s and scream Dan, Nic and Jack got back on stage to sing “My Repair”. Shirley’s favourite song and I was dancing next to her. Completely soaked in sweat everyone walked out with a big smile on their faces. Thank you Sons of the East for bringing the Aussie vibes to Zurich! Please come back soon 🙂 Did you enjoy a Sons of the East gig? Share you story below 🙂
I missed out on the Billy Talent gig a few weeks ago at Dynamo so I was super happy when I got the accreditation from the Winterthurer Musikfestwochen. Some stats at for you at the beginning. I was 2 when Billy Talent decided to make music together and when Red Flag came out I was 14. So they were the sound of my teen years. Seeing them now took me back and I felt like a teenie again haha
Black Foxxes
Black Foxxes are three lads from Exeter, England. They did a great job warming up the crowds who were already there saving the best spots for Billy Talent. The guys were able to do slow quiet songs but also loud ones – which I really loved. I’d see them again since they seem quite talented and of course funny – they are English after all 🙂
I didn’t know the band. But apparently they liked their last gig at the Winterthurer Musikfestwochen 5 years ago that much that they took a break from their break and performed here. What an honour! 🙂 I have to say the music didn’t really resonate with me – it was German Punk Rock. I don’t know why but it didn’t click so we – Shirley from Loads of Music – and I decided to find a bench somewhere and sit down. Get a little break before Billy Talent 🙂
Billy Talent
Billy Talent came on even 5mins before they were supposed to. They were just ready to go on stage. I love that! 😀 With “Devil in A Midnight Mass” they started off with a bang! I think everyone was ready to rock out. The first beer flew through the air as well and I heard the mosh pits were already wild. And then Ben said something I didn’t expect at all and Billy Talent made their way into heart even more. He thanked us for coming out and he was glad everyone was enjoying themselves but he warned the lads in the mosh pits. Please be careful there are women and children close by so make sure to watch out a bit. Lovely and unexpected! 🙂
That said the party went on with “This Suffering”, “Big Red Gun”, “Turn Your Back”. Every time I thought I knew the song again because to be honest with you I do have all the records on my iPod but I don’t know every song by heart. So I was always listening to the first chords of the guitar played by Ian and waited if I knew it. It was quite funny. I always said ohh I knew the song but then I didn’t really. But I think I’ve listened to it but it didn’t properly register haha
Shirley finally caught up with me after her work of taking AMAZING pics was done – yes check out her blog! So I decided to hop on to the barrier and enjoy the gig from a bit higher up since I barely saw anything standing. So I saw how they performed “Ghost Ship of Cannibal Rats”, “The Ex”, “Saint Veronika” and “Diamond on a Landmine”. Ben was fascinated by the people who were hanging out the windows on the sides because let’s face it what else could the people who live there do except listening to the gig. It was such a special venue in the middle of the city where people actually lived. At one point I was seriously afraid that those guys would fall out the window haha
On it went with “The Crutch” and “The Navy Song”. Ben now said that their drummer Aaron was diagnosed with MS and is not able to play a full show anymore but he’s here right now and will take over the drums from Jordan for the next few songs. I had goosebumps. The original Billy Talent, Ben, Aaron, Ian and Jonathan started playing “Rusted from Rain” and the crowd gave out a loud cheer. What A Tune!! “Pins and Needles” and “Surrender” completed Aaron’s songs. I was in my element! 😀 But obviously I also had to take good pics for my blog so I was super focused at the same time.
“February Winds”, “Surprise Surprise” – which everyone belted out – “Afraid of Heights and “Try Honesty” followed. After the JT gig I had to quickly change the genre and listen to a lot of Billy Talent 😀 So one day after that amazing gig I went to bed with “Devil On My Shoulder” stuck in my head! I love that song and now that I was actually hearing it live it was even better! Obviously it stayed in my head again 😀 After an hour the four Canadian guys left the stage only to come back for the biiiig finale.
After “Viking Death March” Ben started a little speech:
Remember this feeling when you leave here! We’re all together as strangers from different walks of life, from different back grounds, different religions – none of it fucking matters!
As soon as the first chords of “Red Flag” rang around the Steinberggasse the red flares started to fire up. What I saw on a video afterwards is that around those two red flares a huge mosh pit was formed! It’s crazy, it’s mayhem, it’s punk! The whole street sang the song and it was amazing listening to this huge singalong. The clapping and the singing continued even more with the final song of the night: “Fallen Leaves”. Cracking finish to a brilliant show by those 5 talented Canadians! I hope to rock out to them again. Here’s to another 25 🙂 Have you been to a Billy Talent show? Share your stories below 🙂
Today we got to enjoy almost two hours of Sam Smith’s immaculate voice in a sold out Hallenstadion. We is a super divers audience from the small kids to teenagers to gays to older people. Sam Smith’s crowd represents everything he stands for:
Be yourself and love who you want to love
But before Sam Smith took the stage Lewis Capaldi warmed up the crowd. I was sooo excited to finally see him live since I’ve heard so many good things about him.. and I wasn’t disappointed. He hobbled on stage and started with “Don’t get me wrong” and I was blown away by his voice and I wasn’t the only one. Everyone clapped and wooped and wanted to hear more. Lewis was supported by two very talented musicians for “Fade” and “Lost on you”. After each song Lewis Capaldi said a few words and they were absolutely hilarious. I love the fact that he knows that he’s singing sad songs so he has two lighten the mood with some jokes. Dermot Kennedy could learn from this guy!
As an exception Lewis Capaldi covered “Issues” by Julia Michaels and he did an amazing job! Everyone could sing along and it made for a great atmosphere. He then explained that he twisted his ankle during some football this afternoon and advised us to stay inside and eat pizza – it’s much safe. Let me tell you he’s my kinda guy 😀 The sad songs continued but it gave us a chance to listen to his deep raspy voice. This guy will go all the way! “Rush” and “Bruises” completed his set not before the whole Hallenstadion was lit up with cell phone lights. Just gorgeous or like he would say: COOL!
On time at 9.45 the lights went off and Sam Smith was lifted up on his chair onto the stage which was formed as a triangle. After the first few chords of “Burning” Sam Smith had the people under his spell. The all seated Hallenstadion stood up and hung onto every words he sang and said. Sam Smith waved hello to every part of the audience and he was met with waves and screams back which brought the cutest smile onto his face. Yes, I was that close that I could even see his dimples. He went on to say that he realised that he’s got very sad songs in his repertoire but tonight Sam Smith wants us to have a good time and dance!
And you bet we did! Who would have thought that Sam Smith is doing music to dance to but with “One Last Song” he proved us wrong for the first time. My favourite song “I’m Not the Only One” was already the third song and the Hallenstadion had a huge singalong to it. Have a look into my Instagram stories! Taking us back to the start Sam Smith sang the wonderful ballade “Lay me down”. His voice is just to die for! If you like the way it sounds on the radio or on record you will love it live. The next one is a slow one and a Lauren Hill cover “His Eye is on the Sparrow”. A quick breather before we got up to our feet again to dance to “Omen” featuring Disclosure and sing “Oh Oh Oh”.
Time to hug your concert buddy and enjoy the next two “Nirvana” and “I’ve told you now”. The incredibly talented piano player started and I knew immediately which song this is going to be but hey everyone deserves his solo. After a few mins Sam Smith rose above to sing the 007 James Bond song “Writing’s on the Wall”. Very dramatic! I loved it 😀 Time to dance again! Another Disclosure feature “Latch” got us up again. After that Sam Smith and Brandon – his bass/guitar musician aka his best friend since 4 years ago – sat down together to sing with us “Money on my Mind”
Sam Smith introduced his 8 musicians one by one which I really loved. They are amazing and they are doing a brilliant job so it’s only right that they get to have their time in the lime light too. Sam and the four singers stood in one row and dance synchronically to “Like I Can”/”Best things in life are free”. It looked great and of course everyone sang along. My concert buddy and I and the whole band were two stepping to “Restart”. Such a fun song! After the two stepping it was time to wave to “Baby, You Make Me Crazy”. Being so close to the stage means that you kind of get to see it from the artists view and I loved the fact that you saw each and everyone waving until the very top top row way under the roof.
“Say it first” was next but the most emotional moment came just now. Sam Smith explained that he wrote the next song when his parents got divorced so you could really feel the emotion in his voice while he sang “Scars”. He even managed to make some people cry. “Midnight train” is another slow song where I just sat down and listened to this beautiful voice. My highlight of the evening was “HIM”. What a song! I had goosebumps because Sam Smith turned it into a Gospel like song and it felt very powerful. Like I mentioned he said that he wrote this song so that people can love who they want and after I carefully listened to the lyrics I have to say that I really really love this song. Such a powerful message wrapped up in an incredible arrangement.
It was time to say Goodbye and what better way to finish the regular set with “Too Good at Goodbye”. Again everyone was singing along and the smile on Sam Smith’s face was huge. After an hour and 15 mins Sam and his 8 musicians left the stage. He returned to it by climbing the stairs onto the top of the prism/triangle construction at the back of the stage. He sang “Palace” as a duet with one of his singers called Lucy. That woman can sing! Plus she transported the emotion so well. It was a wonderful moment. After they finished the song Sam Smith hurried down the stairs to sing “Stay With Me” and again the whole Hallenstadion knew the lyrics and sang along. Towards the end of the song red confetti rained down on us.
He then stood there and took it all in – the screams, the woops, the stomps, the claps. Of course he promised to come back and I really do hope that he does! I enjoyed this gig a lot and I’m pretty sure that I wasn’t the only one. The last song after almost two hours was “Pray”. With a “Have a safe journey home – I love you” Sam Smith said Goodbye and left behind an enchanted audience.
Have you seen Sam Smith live? Wanna share your experience with Kekoas Korner? Leave a reply below 🙂
Thanks to Mainland Music I got to actually see Turin Brakes this year. A few years back they performed at the Zermatt Unplugged in Zurich and I only got to hear them from outside since I didn’t have tickets for that show. They smashed it and I really wanted to see them too so last Wednesday I finally had the chance.
An Italian band called Dog Byron opened up. They performed quite a few songs of their record Eleven Craters. I loved the voice of Max – the lead singer. He has a very deep characteristic voice you can listen to all night. Make sure to check them out on Spotify.
A little after 9 the four lads took the stage in a very casual manner. Turin Brakes presented songs from their new album Invisible Storm as well as old songs from their 9 year career as a band. Turin Brakes started with “Would you be mine”, “Wait” and “Life Farms”. Around 100 people came to the London lads at Papiersaal. I loved the atmosphere. We had space to dance and just enough space to fully enjoy the brilliant music.
“Future boy”, “State of Things” and “Rain City” were next. Turin Brakes are able to play slow songs as well as rock songs but what I enjoy the most is that all of them have a certain rhythm. I was stamping, clapping or nodding the whole time. Eddie the base player looked a bit wild to me and he confirmed it when he said that he loves wolfs and feels like he is almost one. So he asked us:
Zurich, are you ready to howl with me?
The whole Papiersaal howled a few times while the first chords of “Lost in the woods” started. One of the highlights of the evening to me. “Last chance” and “72” followed which I really liked too. Such a good rhythm. Gale – the guitar player – tried to joke with us but no-one laughed so Eddie started howling again. Apparently Swiss people like to howl 🙂
The set continued with “Painkiller”, “Fishing 4 a Dream” and the title track to the new record “Invisible Storm”. Olly said that they had some time off today and watched some Swiss people doing loops with their bicycle and now in their mind every Swiss person can do this. For my international readers: No, not every Swiss person is able to do this ;D
Like they said they know that we know that they know that we know that they will head off stage soon only to come back if we are loud enough 🙂 So “Black Rabbit” was the last song before the break. The audience got louder and louder. We enjoyed a great evening with amazing live music from Turin Brakes.
Rob on the drums was the first one to come back on stage to play “Keep me around”. Of course we wanted to keep them around! 🙂 My favourite song and the loudest so far was “Everything All At Once”. We got another one called “Under Dog”. The four lads from London left the stage again and we started howling again. Eddie was so happy about this and promised to come back soon after they came back for a 2nd encore.
“Don’t Know Much” and the final song “Slack” finished this evening. I was really glad to have seen them however I think last time was more special when I couldn’t see and just hear them. 🙂 Have you seen Turin Brakes? Share your experience below and leave a reply.
Two years ago I saw Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats at Kaufleuten and I just loved his set so when they announced that they are coming back I knew I had to go. I was very much looking forward to this gig and to listen to some new songs of his brand new album Tearing at the Seams released March, 9th.
We had to wait a long time for the support to come on. But finally at 8.10 a band called Slim Cessna’s Auto Club took the stage. And for the first time ever I don’t know what to tell you guys. I think they were completely nuts! I mean they were nice. They greeted us in the front row by handshake but the weirdness continued.. They stepped into the crowd and were just dancing weirdly and the songs… It was kinda country but also almost goth, rock and just very disturbing. But I think that’s what they want. They are on a European at the end of this year so if you’re into dark goth country music check them out!
At 9.30 Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats finally took the stage with a whiskey in his hand and his first word to us was:
I was kinda mad at them for letting us wait but that intro just made me laugh and I couldn’t stay mad anymore. In “Shoe Boot” Nathaniel Rateliff showed off his dancing qualities or should I say sliding qualities 🙂 It was a brilliant start and with “Grüezi, I’m Nathaniel Rateliff and we are the Night Sweats” it was enough said. “Be there” from the new record was next before he played “Look it here” of his self-titled older record. The front row was already dancing and clapping along.
“I did it” came before “Howling at Nothing” which definitely got the crowd going and is an old one I really liked. What I really love about this band is that we have three horn/saxophone players, a drummer, a key/piano player, a bass and a guitar player so this fills up the stage quite nicely and transports the music right into your soul. It’s raw live music. Nothing can beat this! They are all so very talented and know their instruments inside out. Plus what I really loved to see that they had sooo much fun on stage making good music. I think this good vibe feeling is so easily transported over to the crowd. That’s why the Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats gigs are always good fun!
“A little honey” is just a good feeling song and I can already picture myself driving down the road with the windows open in summer and having a good time listening to amazing music. For the next one the band put together a new and and old song “Cooling Out” and “Shake”. “Out on the Weekend” followed before Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats played their first single of the new record called “You Worry Me”. I must have listened to it so much that I actually thought it was one of the old songs 🙂 But hey, that’s a good sign! An actual old song “Wasting Time” was performed next. I really really enjoyed the good atmosphere and the brilliant live music with an incredible voice.
That beautiful voice of Nathaniel Rateliff was shown off even more in “Babe I know”. After a short solo and a song called “Intro” we got to enjoy “I need Never get Old” and the party definitely started and the crazy continued. After a little dance on stage Nathaniel decided to walk down the stairs in front of me and actually lean over the barrier. I quickly moved out of his way. It was hilarious! Check out the video on my Instagram account by clicking here. It’s one of my favourite tracks on the last record next to “Mellow Out” which I was hoping he would play. Unfortunately because he came on so late there was no time for more than 2 encore’s. And from what I gather is that this song would have been an option for an encore. Well I guess I just need to go see them again and hope for the best 🙂
Nathaniel Rateliff asked us now to join in and sing-along to “Say it louder”. He said it’s really easy just “Say it louder, say it clearer” and the whole X-Tra joined in. Again what an atmosphere! “Baby I lost my Way” and “Hey Mama” rounded off the brilliant set. However Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats couldn’t leave without playing S.O.B. The Party was on and we all kneeled down just to jump up during the chorus. We were also turned into a huge choir and it was just a lot of fun!
The lads left the stage to the audience’s “ohhh ohhh ohhh” which didn’t fade until they started the first chords of “Trying so hard”. Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats finished the set with a beautiful slow song and the title track “Tearing at the Seams”. His last words were:
Ich liebe dich
Adorable! He thanked us for our support more than once and you could really feel that it was appreciated. We – the audience – allow them to do what they love. It has to be an incredible feeling and I hope that they can continue to live their dream. Have you been to one of their gigs? Leave a reply below and share your experience 🙂
Kekoas Korner is a huge fan of Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats. After hearing “S.O.B” their first single on the radio I knew I had to get their self-titled debut record which turned me into an even bigger fan. Being lucky again I won two tickets to their show at Kaufleuten in 2016.
Kekoas Korner proudly announced that Nathaniel Ratliff & The Night Sweats are back! Their lead single “You Worry Me” is already out and the album Tearing at the seams will follow on March, 9th. But the best news is that they are coming to town on March, 22! Tickets are still available here. Have a listen to their first single “You Worry Me”:
Sounds great, doesn’t it? I just love their sound. It reminds of a nice summer day driving with open windows just enjoying the sun. Their debut record is one of 5 records I always keep in my car. So for me buying the new record is a done deal. If you feel the same you can pre-order the record by clicking here.
To create this record Nathaniel Rateliff felt like the Night Sweats need to be part of it since he did the first album by himself. The initial writing session were based in Rodeo, New Mexico were they had to figure out how to write a record as a band. This makes me wonder how the sound of this 2nd album is different to the first. Here’s the song list:
Shoe Boot
Be There
A Little Honey
Say It Louder
Hey Mama
Babe I Know
Coolin’ Out
Baby I Lost My Way, (But I’m Going Home)
You Worry Me
Still Out There Running
Tearing at the Seams
Which immediately strikes my eye is that the Intro song is No. 7 and not No. 1 on the record. I guess we gotta wait and see what this is all about.
Let me leave you with my favourite song by Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats:
This is most difficult task I’ve ever had to do for this blog. I cannot choose my highlights! I loved each and every gig I attended this year. So many special moments I witnessed thanks to incredible artists who gave 100% to their audience. So I will try to name a few gigs and I will let you know why they were special to me. I apologize already since this blog post will probably the longest I’ve ever done.
My gig highlight of the year: Marteria
I saw him twice – at Gurtenfestival and at his headline show in Zurich. Both times he completely took over the whole venue and the people were at his command. The atmosphere was incredible and the energy blew the roof of the building. But my fondest memory is actually the morning after the Gurten gig. We literally stayed awake until the clouds were purple again which is one of Marteria’s songs “Lila Wolken”. It was the perfect ending to a very special four days at the Gurtenfestival.
The most special venue: P!nk
When it was announced that P!nk would only play 5 odd shows this summer I knew I had to go to Berlin to see her. I’ve never been to Berlin so it was even more special. I love the city and I loved the two gigs at the Waldbühne. A stage set into midst of a very green forrest just outside the city. It was raining a lot but that didn’t matter. Finally after years I saw my P!nk again. I grew up with her and her gigs and it will forever remind me of my childhood. It was just perfect.
My first interview: Naturally 7
I’ve always been a huge fan of the 7 lads from America but this summer they actually made a huge accomplishment possible. They agreed to give me my first interview for Kekoas Korner after their wonderful gig at the Live at Sunset the day before. I will always be very grateful for that and will support them forever. Their shows are brilliant and I would suggest if you haven’t seen them – go see them!!! It’s well worth your money plus they really make an effort to meet the fans after the show. Go say hello.
My first time as a Merch Seller: Welshly Arms
The guys from Welshly Arms were looking for a volunteer to sell their merchandising. Obviously I took that opportunity 🙂 Let me just say each and everyone of them were super nice and very grateful that I helped them. I was happy to help plus I got to witness an amazing gig! Being a Merch girl is great and I loved to talk to all the fans about the band. I also got to interview the guys from Welshly Arms before their show.
The best entertainer EVER: Robbie Williams
Robbie Williams is hands down the best entertainer and knows how to put up a good show. He rocked the Letzigrund for around two hours and blew fireworks and confetti and fire into the air like there was no tomorrow. He also brought out his dad which gave the show a very cute touch. Only recently it was brought to our attention that Robbie Williams actually was quite sick during that performance after which he flew directly to London into the intensive care unit for a week. It was actually a miracle that he performed that night! Thank you for that but please next time listen to your body Mr. Williams and cancel the show.
The longest show with the most stars: Capital’s Summertime Ball
We spent 7 hours at the Wembley stadium in London and got to see so many stars. Bruno Mars opened the show. JP Cooper, Niall Horan, Charlie Puth, Dua Lipa, Clean bandit and this is just the beginning. My highlight was that I finally got to see Sean Paul live. He did an amazing job and since he was quite close to the end he took my last energy so that I was seriously knackered and couldn’t enjoy Little Mix who closed the show.
The hottest gig: Pegasus
It was July and it was boiling hot. The Pegasus gig was at 8 IN THE MORNING on a ferry on lake Zurich. It was the perfect weather and the perfect gig. Pegasus are a super talented band from Switzerland and everyone just had a good time and by the time it finished we were already sweating.
The most colourful gig: Coldplay
It took me years to like Coldplay and to make me want to see them. This summer I suddenly felt the urge so within two weeks I organised a little trip to go to Frankfurt and see them. The weather was awful but the gig was great! Tove Lo and Femme Schmidt supported them. But what I liked the most were the colours. I have never seen such a colourful concert and what I also loved was how appreciative the band was.
The best rock gig: Stone Sour
That’s a hard one. I really loved Guns ‘N Roses and you know they are just legendary! Mando Diao were incredible to see live and I want to see them soon again! But I think I will give this one to Stone Sour because they seriously f*****g rocked and Corey Taylor has an amazing voice aaaand he looks gorgeous! 😀
The most special voices: Tom Grennan
This one was also very close. Jacob Banks and Tom Grennan went head-to-head. Both have super special voices which give me goosebumps and both are very very talented. But Tom Grennan got the call because he seemed more open to his fans and made the effort to meet each and everyone. This is what I want to see in an aspiring artist.
Best Newcomer 2017: KARAVANN
I got to meet the two lovely lads from KARAVANN for an interview before I even seen them live. They seem really serious about their venture and I have a good feeling about their journey. In August I finally got to see them live and believe me they didn’t disappoint. They have an incredibly international sound and they make sure that you have a good time at the gig. Please check them out and go say hi after the gig 🙂
The worst gig EVER: Kings of Leon
I didn’t think I would ever say this but unfortunately I had to witness the worst show ever from Kings of Leon. They didn’t want to be on stage, they didn’t know where they were and they played songs no-one wanted to hear. For an hour you could hear a pin drop in the Hallenstadion and everyone was quite baffled at how bad they were. Since I paid a lot of money to see them it was even worse. So two big thumbs down for you guys!
The most relaxing gig: Anastacia and Baschi at Bossard Arena
The people were super relaxed and to be honest the arena was quite empty. Nonetheless did we have a brilliant time! Anastacia was amazing and she is just a force on stage. Baschi is our Swiss Robbie Williams and entertained the sh*t out of the Arena. So I had space to dance, I knew the songs, I had an amazing time! 🙂
The Scandinavian gigs: Lukas Graham & Mans Zelmerlöw
I got to see the sound check of Lukas Graham and we spoke a little afterwards. Super lovely lads and just very talented and grateful to travel the world with their music. I’ve seen them twice already and they’ve done a brill job both times. Mans Zelmerlöw won the ESC and came to Switzerland twice already. Always very special gigs!
Kekoas Korner’s soft spot: Gavin DeGraw
I literally grew up with his music. His song “I don’t want to be” is my hymn for anything. When I listen to the song I always have to sing out loud. He is an incredible musician and I am so glad that I was always able to meet him after the show. He is so nice. If you have the chance please listen to this guy.
The Irish frenzy: Walking on Cars, The Coronas, Tom Walker
As you might know I go a little crazy for Irish bands.. 😉 The lovely Walking on Cars came to Switzerland 4 times this year and I saw 3 of them. Zurich, Lausanne and Lucerne. Each gig was different and I just love their music! They were supported by Tom Walker. Another Irish lad who’s very talented and is coming to Switzerland on 20th April 18. Go check him out! Lastly I got to interviewthe Coronas in October and the lovely Danny gave me some tips for my trip to Dublin.
The good times with Bastille
Bastille always make sure that everyone has an amazing time. We jump, we kinda dance, we sing. They are an incredible live band and unfortunately I won’t be seeing them next year on April, 20th 18. But please go and let me know how it was. The very talented brits are coming back with their newest record and I’m very much looking forward to see them some other time…. maybe at a festival again.
Best Merchandising Top 5:
1. Welshly Arms – This has to be number 1 since I sold their merch and I proudly did so because they really were amazing. I love the designs of the T-Shirts and the Jackets. They also had Vinyls and hats too. I still wear their stuff every other day.
2. Guns N’Roses – The designs of the shirts are amazing and I nearly got two shirts.
3. Ed Sheeran – He had a various range of Merch. I really loved the Army Jacket and the lumber jack shirt. The jacket was one of my favourite this summer.
4. Stone Sour – Lots of nice designs on T-Shirts plus signed Vinyls.
5. Amber Run – I loved the lion on their shirt and I still regret that I didn’t buy that shirt. Jacob Banks came really close to making it into the Top 5. He was selling a shirt where it said in this is merchandising and below Jacob Banks. I thought this was hilarious and I was this close to buying it.
All those gigs wouldn’t have been possible without the help of ARTNOIR magazine, Just Because, Mainland Music, ABC production and Goodnews. Thank you for supporting Kekoas Korner!
Lastly I want to thank all my concert buddies for joining me at various gig and for having as much fun as I did! <3
I cannot wait for all the gigs in 2018! So bring on the new year 🙂
I’d love to know what your concert highlights 2017 are. Please leave a comment below or on Kekoas Korner social media channels Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
Hoodie Allen partied hard with his Swiss fans on a Tuesday night. It was the first time the American rapper came to Europe and he was blown away by the reception of his European/Swiss fans. Before the gig Hoodie himself stood by the merch table and sold his own T-shirts. Of course I had to say hi and got his signature onto my ticket.
Goody Grace warmed up the crowd for Hoodie and he did quite a good job. However I was super annoyed by the people constantly chatting and disrespecting the artist. Seriously it was so loud I could barely hear him sing. From what I’ve heard though I can tell you guys that he is quite talented. He did two acoustic songs and a few party songs. Unfortunately I didn’t get his set list but please check this lovely lad out.
A little later Hoodie Allen took the stage with “Believe” and the people already went crazy. I gotta say that I was among the oldest people in the crowd. Hoodie attracted lots of teenies. With “Sushi” the Swiss audience could prove that they knew the lyrics inside out. “Fun” and “Fakin” were next and I was seriously amazed how good the crowd was.. I think Hoodie Allen was too. You could see how much fun he and his four musicians had on stage. He spoke a lot and told us how much he appreciated us coming out to see him since without us he’d still be in the garage at home.
“Something Dangerous”, “Robot” and “Act my Age” followed. It was good fun and I wish I would have know a bit more songs but unfortunately I couldn’t really listen to the songs since I had so many gigs this week. “Small Town” seemed to be a crowd’s favourite and I get why. I loved the song as well. The fun continued with “Surprise Party” where balloons where thrown around and for the crew it really was a special day. It was the official tour photographers Birthday and of course we sang “Happy Birthday” to him. Hoodie Allen was really happy with the audience and asked us to choose between 3 songs. “Cake boy” and “Two Lips” got around the same amount of noise so he just played both.
During “Cake Boy” they threw two cakes into the audience! I was like “Wait what?!” but the crowd seemed to love it. “Two Lips” was done acoustically and all the cell phone lights went up. It looked great! Hoodie addressed the people who were just dragged along and said you just need to know three words for the next song “Champagne and pools”. The gig continued with a brilliant drum solo and the song “Fame”. For “Heartbreak” Goody Grace came back on stage to sing/rap with Hoodie. “Know it all” and “No Faith” were next and I was still amazed how everyone seemed to know all the lyrics to every song! It made for a great atmosphere and I was so glad I came to witness this gig.
Hoodie Allen said then you might know of a very talented musician called Ed Sheeran and we did a song together! Yesss! I finally was able to singalong to “All About It”. Back when it came out I played it constantly and it’s the reason why I came to this gig. “Ain’t Ready (for love)” was the last song before the encore. When Hoodie left the stage the audience started to shout “Hoodie, Hoodie, Hoodie” and after a minute he came back on. He asked the crowd to form a circle in the middle and I was like wait a minute I’ve heard that before… Oh right Marteria on Saturday. This was the baby version of Saturday’s mosh pit. It still was great fun and it looked like we were celebrating a huge party with Hoodie in the middle. The final song of the night was “No Interruption” and people started jumping and singing. It was a great finish to a brill gig! Enjoyed the party as well? Share you story below or on Kekoas Korner’s social media accounts Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.