Allgemein, Concerts

Aussie vibes on a hot summer day with Sons of the East

I’ll be honest with you I didn’t know the three lads from Down Under at first. But Sons of the East have great music on Spotify plus they’re super funny and very nice! This makes writing this post very easy 🙂

Shirley from Loads of Music invited me to be her assistant for her Sons of the East interview. After a super quick photography lesson Dan, Nic and Jack already walked in and they were ready for her questions! I was so focused on taking good pics I didn’t even realized that I was zooming in and out of the interview. Sounds interesting right?
After a super yummy dinner including ice cream – of course – we walked into the SOLD OUT dynamo! And we were blown away by the heat. Wow it was just too hot – yes, I’m saying it was too hot so imagine how warm it must have been. So I officially apologize to Ocie Elliott for not able to listen to their gig. They’re a two piece band from Canada. Have a listen:

While we walked out again we bumped into Dan who was the first to come back after their little adventure around the river Limmat. At 9.20 Sons of the East took the stage in super full Dynamo. Surprisingly the Swiss audience knew the words and were a really great audience. Everyone seemed to have a great time and after only three songs “California”, “Fast & Slow” and “Come Away” I knew I wanted to see them again. Next time a little bit closer to the stage so I don’t have to stand on my tippy toes.
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The lads are great live and they were so happy because Zurich is their biggest headline show so far. 700 peeps came out to see them and have a dance. Jack sometimes reminded me of James Brown especially when he was dancing. However the music sounds more like Mumford & Sons and Jack’s voice makes it so special. Sons of the East are spreading good vibes and what could be better to listen to their music on a hot summer night. Especially when Jack started playing the Harmonica I was over the moon!

“Jacaranda Tree”, “Coming Home” and “Lost Cause” was next. By that time I realized that there was a drummer on stage hahaha He was way down at the back and I barely saw the guys so suddenly the drums set in and I was like hold on where are they coming from 😀 I know crazy isn’t it… But even Dan’s banjo was barely visible from my point of view. But let me just say how cool is this instrument?? #banjolover 😀 The 5 musicians – yes, there was also a bass player – started “The Farmer” and the audience started clapping and dancing again. But what probably surprised the most was when they covered Drake’s “Hold on, we’re going home”. I really really love their version! And hey did you notice Nic was taking the lead on this?! Awesome!
Want to listen to little snippets? Have a look onto the highlights of my Instagram. After this smash hit Dan, Nic and Jack toned it down for their beautiful ballade called “Silver Lining”. “Miramare” and “Hold on” followed. The Swiss crowd knew the next songs by heart! For “Already Gone” Jack came down to the fans and even let them sing into the mic. Well done! 🙂 I really loved this good vibe song. Nic took the mic again for “Into the Sun” and again we got to enjoy a very lovely ballade by the lads from OZ. The gig went by super quickly and it was time for them to go off stage.

With some big applause and woo’s and scream Dan, Nic and Jack got back on stage to sing “My Repair”. Shirley’s favourite song and I was dancing next to her. Completely soaked in sweat everyone walked out with a big smile on their faces. Thank you Sons of the East for bringing the Aussie vibes to Zurich! Please come back soon 🙂
Did you enjoy a Sons of the East gig? Share you story below 🙂

Check out my latest gigs: Ed Sheeran, Justin Timberlake, Billy Talent